DO NOW: Discuss how much of a role you believe religion should have in government, politics, education, and in people’s daily lives. 1
Pilgrims vs. Puritans Puritans Pilgrims Predestination Separatists 2 Good Works could not save those predestined for hell No one is certain of their spiritual status Wanted to totally purify the Church of England (Too corrupt) Pilgrims Separatists Didn’t want to share their churches with the “dammed” Believed in a total break from the Church of England 2
The Mayflower 1620 group of 102 people (half separatists) set sail Virginia Co. gave them permission to settle Took a wrong turn due to winter and ended up in Cape Cod, MA 3
Mayflower Compact Signed November 11, 1620 Written and signed by Pilgrims before they got off the ship Agreement to form a crude government First official government document in the United States 4
The First Year… Winter of 1620-21….only 44 of 102 survived Fall of 1621 = First Thanksgiving Colony survived with fur, lumber, fish, and Native America help Plymouth stayed small 1691 – 7,000 people 5
Massachusetts Bay Colony Puritan merchants formed the Massachusetts Bay Company. In 1630 John Winthrop set out with 11 ships and 700 people for New England. This colony grew faster than Plymouth. Success of Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay colonies inspired the Great Migration. Over 20,000 English men and women came to settle in New England.
Puritan Characteristics Only allowed images in death, but not as memorials Mixture of Church and State Gov. Great Importance on Family Father controls everything Travel with family Can take away kids
Would you rather be a Pilgrim or a Puritan? Puritans Average Life Span 70 years Average children per family – 6 Average Age for males to marry – 27 Females – 22
New Colonies grow from MA Bay Connecticut Thomas Hooker led a group to Conn in mid- 1630’s 1639 wrote a new plan for government New Hampshire Separate Colony in 1679 10
Roger Williams – Rhode Island Williams was a popular minister “Forced Religion stinks in the nostrils of God” You had to purchase land from Native Americans Royal Charter = “National Sin” 1635 – Found guilty of “New and Dangerous Opinions” and exiled RI was about religious freedom and separation of Church and State RI is seen a “Sewer” Do you Agree with Williams or the Puritans? Explain. 11
Ann Hutchinson Things wrong with her She was a women – cant an opinion You didn’t need minister or the bible to interrupt God Held meetings a her house where people would speak against Winthrop Arrested and defended herself successfully 12
Economies MA Bay New Hampshire Conn. Rhode Island 13 Fishing, Lumber, Shipbuilding, Triangular Trade, Rum, Whaling New Hampshire Trade, Fishing Conn. Triangular Trade Rhode Island Shipping, Livestock, Agriculture 13