General title Track #12 Citizen-Centric Reporting 2:20 PM to 4:30 PM (Break 3:20 to 3:30 PM) Bentley University Waltham, Mass. March 13, Regional Professional Development Conference
General title Welcome and Introduction Craig C. Hall Director of Accountability, AGA-Boston Chapter and Associate Faculty, University of Phoenix School of Business Geovanny Diaz Student Member, AGA-Boston Chapter
General title Agenda Good Stewardship Citizen-Centric Report Model Case Studies Break Building your own Citizen-Centric Report National and Chapter Technical Assistance Questions and Answers
General chart Good Stewardship
Do you have public trust? Americans Really Don't Like Their Government Right Now, Government Executive, January 22, 2014 State Governments Viewed Favorably as Federal Rating Hits New Low, Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, April 15, 2013 Local Governments Success in Maintaining Public Trust, Public Management Magazine, International City/County Management Association, March 2012 Volume 94 Number 2 Maintaining the Public Trust While Making Tough Choices, Management Insights, Governing Magazine, January 5, 2011 Trust in Local Governments, Wendy M. Rahn and Thomas J. Rudolph, Chapter 13, 2002
General title The Concept of Transparency: Theory and Practical Application Provide access to transactional information and provide the user aggregate data to filter and query. Provide customized reporting with context and background to explain what data means.
General title Citizen-Centric Report Model
General title The Citizen-Centric Reporting Model The Sloan Foundation provided funding for an initiative to provide understandable information to citizens. This initiative encourages governments to produce and publish an annual state of the government report that is no more than four pages long. The reports, designed to be visually appealing, provide understandable information to citizens about the financial condition and performance of the government that answers the question, Are we better off today than we were last year?
General chart Case Studies
General chart
Break (3:20 to 3:30 PM)
General chart Building Your Own Citizen-Centric Report
General paragraph Page 1: Strategic Objectives What do we do? Is there relevant demographic information? Page 2: How are we doing – a performance report on key mission and services plan? What is our mission? How do we plan on achieve goals and objectives in our strategic plan? What are some key performance measures and outcomes? What type of citizen input and feedback do we collect? How to Construct a Citizen Centric Report: Content Guidelines
General paragraph Page 3: What are the costs for servicing the citizens and how were those costs paid for? Explain budgetary information and relate to program areas. Explain budgetary information and relate to performance measures. Page 4: Challenges moving forward – whats next? Future issues? Discuss specific fiscal issues? Discuss organizational, staffing, or other programmatic issues. How to Construct a Citizen Centric Report: Content Guidelines Cont.
How to Construct a Citizen Centric Report: Design Guidelines Visual Appeal and Readability Physical Layout Colors Images and Graphics Type and Fonts Publishing Software Distribution of Your Report Branding
The Secret Formula: Primary Reasons for Success Vision Leadership Staff participation Stakeholder involvement
General chart National and Chapter Technical Assistance
General paragraph Resources for Constructing a Report Citizen Centric Reporting Fact Sheet Case Studies Content Guidelines Template Design Guidelines Template Toolkit for Media Outreach Technical assistance from the AGA and experts from local AGA Chapters
AGA Templates The AGA National Office has a series of downloadable templates available for use: Microsoft Word Microsoft Publisher 2000 and 2010 Excel 1997 and 2010 for Revenue/Expenses MAC Users…CS4 and CS5 ESP files for Revenue/Expenses AGA Technical Assistance: National
AGA Templates The AGA Boston Chapter can provide guidance, technical assistance, and assistance in the national award program to members as well as non-members. AGA Technical Assistance: Local
AGA Templates 1.How the entity is organized/operates (items such as vision statement and strategic goals). 2.Accomplishments surrounding key missions and service, along with selected performance measures. 3.Revenues and expenses are displayed in a way that is easy to follow (like bar and/or pie charts). 4.Statements are listed, such as, "An independent audit was conducted or the report has been reviewed by leadership. Complete financial information can be found at Judging Guidelines
AGA Templates 5.Future challenges affecting the entity. 6.Feedback statements, such as, "We want to hear from you. Do you like this report? Do you believe it should include any other information? Please let us know by contacting xxx. 7.Report is free of technical accounting language. 8.Incorporates pictures and other graphics to make it visually appealing. Judging Guidelines
AGA Templates 9.Report has been distributed (hardcopy, posted to website and/or posted in newspaper) 10.Issued in a timely manner, within or after 6 months of the end of the fiscal year. 11.Report references the AGA Citizen- Centric Reporting Initiative and includes the new CCR logo Judging Guidelines
AGA Templates A free peer-review evaluation of your submitted CCR report. Entities are awarded either a Certificate of Achievement or a Certificate of Excellence, depending on the overall quality of the report. Awards and Recognition Program
General paragraph Thought Leader in Advancing Government Accountability and Transparency Association of Government Accountants Citizen-Centric Reporting AGA Boston Chapter
General chart Questions and Answers
General chart Contact Information: Craig C. Hall Geovanny Diaz