Collect the BBC news article off the front desk Read it in silence Now consider these questions – just think, don’t write What could this finding mean? Where have you heard the term neutrino before? Why do scientists publish their findings? Private Study Homework Calculations and time management
Particles and Antiparticles
Objectives To know what is meant by ‘antimatter’ To find out about the prediction of antimatter and places researching particle interactions To produce a glossary of new terms
Antimatter – What is it? Paul Dirac predicted (1928) the existence of antimatter that: Annihilates the particle and itself if they meet Has exactly the same mass Has exactly the opposite charge
Construct II - Finding out about neutrinos Use the PPARC leaflet on neutrinos What is a neutrino? Where do neutrinos come from? Explain how neutrinos were used at Gargamelle to find out about the structure of protons and neutrons How are neutrinos used by astrophysicists to study the sun?
Can you add the anti particles?
Apply – New Terms Complete the word search Use your text book to write a glossary of the terms you find Let’s go over them
Some of the geeky antimatter things I found on the net….
Test your knowledge… What is a neutrino? What is the anti particle of an electron? What is the heaviest lepton? How do we notate an anti particle?
Mark your Answers A neutrino is a type of charge less and massless particle produced with beta decay Positron Tau Particle With a bar above the symbol.
Finding out about anti-matter Construct I Using the computers produce your own article on antimatter, what it is, and what it shows. Finding out about anti-matter
Review To know what is meant by ‘antimatter’ To find out about the prediction of antimatter and places researching particle interactions To produce a glossary of new terms