Emergency Service Boundaries (ESB) Program NYS GIS Program Office
ESB Program Objective Create and maintain statewide authoritative emergency service boundary databases to support E9-1-1 and NG911
GIS Data for E9-1-1 Required Optional Street Centerlines Address Points Aerial Photography Parcels Police, Fire, EMS boundaries Cell Site Location / Coverage Other reference data (schools, hospitals, mile markers, hydrology, etc)
GIS Data for NG9-1-1 Required Optional Address Points Street Centerlines Emergency Service Boundaries (ESB) Optional Aerial Photography Cell Site Location / Coverage Other reference data (schools, hospitals, mile markers, hydrology, etc)
ESB Program Details What Why Where When How One master address point database for use by everyone
What PSAP, Police, Fire, EMS, Ambulance territories Statewide ESZ vs ESB NENA data standards for NG9-1-1 One master address point database for use by everyone
What One master address point database for use by everyone
Why Some current CAD systems need ESB GIS data for response plans – ie: Spillman, TriTech Future NG9-1-1 depends on ESB GIS data to route calls in the ECRF and dispatch responders Consistent, statewide NENA standard ESB datasets will the best solution for all One master address point database for use by everyone
Why One master address point database for use by everyone
Where Albany County pilot Gradual roll out to the rest of the state, gathering data already created, building data where necessary, based on lessons learned from pilot One master address point database for use by everyone
When Program began early this year Pilot project now with Albany Co through middle of next year Gathering existing data from counties that have mapped their ESB Gradually expanding the project to cover the entire state based on first two outcomes One master address point database for use by everyone
How Geocoding the MSAG, digitizing paper maps, data review with counties One master address point database for use by everyone
How? Geocoding takes a street address and returns a lat/long pair Must be in Address, City, State, Zip MSAG Addresses are not Hi address, Low address, Community, ESZ How to format that as an address for geocoding? One master address point database for use by everyone
How? Reformat MSAG Standardize with Google API Hi address, Community, County, State, ESZ Low address, Community, County, State, ESZ Standardize with Google API Google takes MSAG above and returns Address, City, State, Zip, ESZ One master address point database for use by everyone
How? Geocode with NYS Geocoder Address, City, State, Zip, ESZ, Lat, Long Create points from the Hi/Low MSAG ranges Throw out outliers based on SD of the geographic mean One master address point database for use by everyone
How? Create the ESZ by connect-the-dots Add Police, Fire, EMS from ESZ key Dissolve by the agency to form the ESB layers Gives a rough outline of the ESB, but still needs manual cleanup One master address point database for use by everyone
Albany County Pilot GeoCoding the MSAG Using paper reference maps to check accuracy One master address point database for use by everyone
Albany County Pilot One master address point database for use by everyone
Questions? How long will it take to finish the state? When will my county be done? I am updating my CAD software and need ESBs, can the state help? How will the data be updated once completed? One master address point database for use by everyone