Public Housing in Newark after World War II
President Harry Truman The Fair Deal Image retrieved from the Library of Congress: President Harry Truman
The Housing Act of 1949 Image of the summary of provisions of the National Housing Act of 1949, published July 14, 1949.
Pre-War Housing Image retrieved from the Library of Congress: “Squatters’ houses in Jersey Meadows on city dump.” Newark, New Jersey,1939
Photograph taken in an African American slum, Newark,1944 Housing Problems Image retrieved from the Library of Congress: Photograph taken in an African American slum, Newark,1944
Photograph taken in an African American slum, Newark,1944 Housing Problems Image retrieved from the Library of Congress: Photograph taken in an African American slum, Newark,1944
Louis Danzig Image from the Newark Sunday Star Ledger, May 18, 1969.
Newark Housing Projects Image retrieved from the Library of Congress: Photograph of a housing project in Newark,1944
Newark Housing Projects Image retrieved from the Library of Congress: Photograph of a housing project in Newark,1944
Newark 1967 Image retrieved from .
Central Historical Question: Was the development of public housing in Newark after World War II a success?