MDC23、24 (影響健康狀況及多重外傷) 疾病分類基本概念介紹 陳紫玲
練習題-1 The helmeted (安全帽)motorcyclist suffered a road accident with chest and abdominal pain. His chest film showed right multiple rib fr with pneumohemothorax. Abd CT showed liver laceration with hemoperitonium 860.4+864.05+807.09 +88.01 + E819.2(accident=>motor vehicle) MDC24 DRG48701
練習題-2 Head injury with epidural hemorrhage with loss of consciousness 2hrs(traffic accident) spinal cord injury of T8 level craniotomy with removal of hematoma 852.43(hemorrhage =>traumatic=>epidural) 952.15(injury=>spinal cord=>dorsal(T7-T12)) E819.9 (accident=>traffic) 01.24 (removal=>hematoma=>see drainage ,by site =>drainage=>epidura=>01.24 MDC24 DRG 48401