What is Happening in Girl Scouts We have completed the Money Manager Badge - we learned about budgeting. The girls broke up into groups and were given a spending limit. By researching grocery prices, the girls had to make virtual grocery purchases. We also opened a “Shopping Mall” where the girls labeled items for sale and practiced purchasing these items and giving correct change. Finally, we discussed activities that cost money and those that do not. We brainstormed ways to have fun when you are on a budget. Ways to encourage money management at home: -visit a bank and open a savings account -grocery shop together -have your child make a shopping list given a budget Upcoming Patch- TI Engineering Patch Upcoming Badge- My Flag, My Country & Me Upcoming Events: Girl Scout Meetings-Friday,2/10/17 Friday, 2/24/17 Individual Cookie Orders Due- 1/27/17 Troop Cookie Sales- Friday 2/10/17 @St. Anthony 3:15-5:00pm Sunday 2/12/17 @3155 W. Wheatland-Wal-Mart 1:00-4:00pm SMU Basketball Game- Saturday February 18th @2-4:30pm For questions or volunteering please contact me at ccaraway@stanthonydallas.org Or call: 903-491-5336