Probe Process New Program Request Process Substantive Change February 1, 2012
Curriculum Specialist Meets with IFCC Committee Probe Process Revised Program Begins Need to Address Comments ? ? Probe Notice Posted on TCSG Website - College Notified Wait Four (4) Weeks for Colleges to Respond Post Probe Feedback. Notify Colleges Make Final Changes Probe Goes to Presidents Council and State Board for Approval Yes No Schedule Tele- Conference with VPAAs 1
AS Degree Expectations Perkins Ramifications – Perkins is an occupational grant – Salary implications if non-occupational program Faculty Credentials – transfer level Articulation Agreements with at least 1 USG TCSG Staff technical assistance visits 2
AS Degree College Submits NPR and Agreement College Makes Articulation Agreement with USG College NPR Reviewed by TCSG Academic Affairs Program Sent to USG Staff for Review NPR Goes to State Board for Approval College Notifies Accrediting Body of Substantive Change as Required (6 months) New Program Request (NPR) Process AS Degree New Program Begins January 2012
New Program Request (NPR) Process AAS/AS Degree. Diploma or TCC College Notifies Accrediting Body of Substantive Change as Required (6 months) NPR Reviewed by CPS and Executive Director College Submits NPR Self-Identifies as Fast Track or Not Fast Track: Program Exists at one (1) Campus or the Higher Level Program Already Exists. NPR for Existing or New Program? Existing Program Fast Track ? Yes NPR Goes to State Board for Approval No Final Approval by Assistant Commissioner New Program Begins NPR Reviewed by CPS New ID Program CPS Creates New Course and Program Shells in CDb State Board Reviews and Approves NPR CPS and Coordinator Review Program in CDb and Approve State Board Approves Program College Enters Course and Program Data in CDb CPS and Executive Director Review / Approve NPR CPS and Coordinator Review Courses and Lock 4 Substantive Change ??
New Program Request (NPR) Process AAS/AS Degree. Diploma or TCC College Notifies Accrediting Body of Substantive Change as Required (6 months) NPR Reviewed by CPS and Executive Director College Submits NPR Self-Identifies as Fast Track or Not Fast Track: Program Exists at one (1) Campus or the Higher Level Program Already Exists. NPR for Existing or New Program? Existing Program Fast Track ? Yes NPR Goes to State Board for Approval No Final Approval by Assistant Commissioner New Program Begins NPR Reviewed by CPS New ID Program CPS Creates New Course and Program Shells in CDb State Board Reviews and Approves NPR CPS and Coordinator Review Program in CDb and Approve State Board Approves Program College Enters Course and Program Data in CDb CPS and Executive Director Review / Approve NPR CPS and Coordinator Review Courses and Lock 5 Substantive Change ??
Taken From SACSCOC Procedures for Reporting Substantive Change Table Types of ChangeProcedure Prior Notification Required Time Frame for Contacting COC Prior Approval RequiredDocumentation Expanding at current degree level (significant departure from current programs) 1Yes6 monthsYesProspectus Altering significantly the educational mission of the institution 1Yes6 monthsYesProspectus Changes Requiring Notification and Approval 6 Next
8. Expanding at the institutions current degree level (significant departure from current programs). What constitutes a significant departure from existing programs depends on what related programs are currently in place at a given institution. Examples include the following: developing a new general education program adding a master's degree in nursing when the institution is accredited at Level III but currently offers only a master's degree in education an institution accredited at Level II (bachelor's degrees), offering only a bachelor's degree with a major in religion, adding three new bachelor's degrees with majors in biology, business administration, and computer science 7 Next
9. Initiating a significant change in the established mission of the institution. Significant changes in mission are those that lead to a fundamental shift in the nature of the institution. Examples include the following: the transformation of a technical college into a comprehensive community college, the initiation by a seminary of significant liberal arts offerings, the addition by a medical college of general education offerings, the initiation of an engineering school at a liberal arts institution. 8 Next
Significant departure – a program that is not closely related to previously approved programs at the institution or site or for the mode of delivery in question. To determine whether a new program is a significant departure, it is helpful to consider the following questions: What previously approved programs does the institution offer that are closely related to the new program and how are they related? Will significant additional equipment or facilities be needed? Will significant additional financial resources be needed? Will a significant number of new courses be required? Will a significant number of new faculty members be required? Will significant additional library/learning resources be needed? 9 Return