Homeland ~ They lived next to the Chumash and the Yakut they also live in San Antonio and Vacimo Their territory included the Diablo Temblor Homelands were located in California
CRAFTS SALINAN made their baskets out of deer and bunch grass , brake fern, willow and tule Their baskets could be used for cooking, storing and gathering
SOCIETY The SALINAN were divided into clans Animal totems - bear and deer are two of them. SALINAN fathers passed their totems on to their children
FAMILY SALINAN villages were made up of extended families Survival of the people depended on each member of the family Each member had their own responsibilities
FOOD The SALINAN hunted fish and gathered their own food The SALINAN hunted animals like prong horn, mule, deer and elk
Children Children learned useful skills by watching The SALINAN carried their babies in wooden baskets They made these baskets using twine method.
MYTHS My myth is about a hawk and a raven. They were trying to make the world safer.
Clothing In the warmer days the SALINAN hardly wore clothes Men and women wore robes
WAR The SALINAN were peace loving people They maintained peace The YOKUT lived north of the SALINAN
CONTACT WITH EUROPEANS ~The SALINAN welcomed the first Europeans ~The SALINAN first came into contact with the Europeans in the 1600s
LEADERS There were many SALINAN leaders They held people and culture together Today the SALINAN leaders are doing the same thing
BIBLIOGRAPHY Gray-KanaTiosh, Barbara. Salinan. ABDO Publishing Company, 2004.