Jeopardy Chapter 6: Mexican California Click to begin.
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A place where cattle, horses, and other animals were raised.
A hand-drawn map
Something that is sold or traded to another country.
A person who leads the way for others.
An agreement to make peace.
Why did Native Americans in California not get their land back after the missions were closed?
Californios had already taken over many of the Native American lands.
How did the change in the government of California affect the missions?
The new Mexican-run government decided to close the missions.
Why did the Mexican government close the missions?
The Californios wanted the valuable mission land The Californios wanted the valuable mission land. Also, the government “claimed” they wanted to give land to Native Americans because they had not been treated well.
What happened after Miguel Hidalgo gave his speech?
The Mexian War for Independence began.
Why did Californios raise cattle?
They raised cattle for meat, hides, and tallow.
Why were hides called “California banknotes”?
They were used to trade for goods.
What products did ranchos make?
Cattle hides and tallow.
When the missions closed, many Native Americans had nowhere to go because Californios were living on their land. How did they solve this problem?
They went to work for the Californios on the ranchos.
How did fur trappers make it possible for pioneers to travel to California?
They blazed trails across the continent that the pioneers followed.
What mistake did the Donner Party make?
When they decided to take a shortcut on the way to California, they became trapped by a series of snowstorms for several months. Almost half of the 90 people died by the time the party was rescued.
What was the result of Jedediah Strong Smith’s decision to go to California in search of beaver pelts?
He and his men became the first people from the United States to reach California by traveling overland.
Why did the Russians’ build Fort Ross?
They built it as a base from which to hunt sea otters and seals for their pelts.
What hardships did pioneers face?
They faced a long journey, carrying all their possessions with them, snowy weather, difficult land to travel over.
What happened when John Fremont arrived in California with 60 armed men?
A Mexican army officer named Jose Carrillo ordered him to leave California.
Why did no one in California know that the United States and Mexico were at war?
News traveled very slowly, either by ship or overland.
How did the Mexican War change the boundaries of the United States?
It fulfilled the dream of Manifest Destiny by giving the United States an unbroken stretch of land from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
What made California such a valuable addition to the United States?
Good climate, rich soil, gold.
Why did the Bear Flag Republic end so soon?
A United States navy officer declared that California was part of the United States, and the Bear Flaggers supported him.
How long did the Mexican-American War last?
One year.
What was the result of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
Mexico gave nearly half its territory to the United States.
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