Road to the Revolution 1763-1776
British Debt 75 million pounds (before war-1754) 133 million pounds (after war-1763) Britain taxes colonies to help pay for troops stationed there
British Taxes Britain sends troops to defend from Indians and regulate trade Quartering Act- colonies pay to house British soldiers Sugar Act-affects merchants Stamp Act-affects everyone Colonies protest Attack stamp commissioners
Anti-Stamp Act Tea Thing
Champagne Charlie “And now will these Americans, children planted by our care, nourished up by our indulgence until they are grown to a degree of strength and opulence and protected by our arms, will they grudge to contribute their mite to relieve us from the heavy burden which we lie under?” Charles Townshend
Taxes Repealed Sugar Act repealed in 1766 Stamp Act repealed as well Declaratory Act- Britain had supreme authority to regulate the colonies
New Taxes Townshend Acts- Suspends New York’s assembly Import taxes on: glass, paper, paint, lead, and tea Taxes would pay governors salary Writs of Assistance- search warrants to enter homes or businesses to look for smuggled goods
Boston Massacre Customs officers in Boston try to seize the Liberty-a ship with smuggled wine Rioters force official to flee (run!) More British troops are sent to maintain order
Boston Massacre Dockworkers & Youths yelled insults at soldiers (“Lobsters for sale!”) Fight breaks out Shots fired 5 killed
Boston Massacre Massacre- deliberately and violently kill a large number of people
Boston Massacre
Boston Massacre Used as a propaganda tool John Adams defends soldiers Soldiers found innocent Still remained symbol of British oppression
Tea Act Same day of “Massacre”, Britain proposes repeal of Townshend Acts Boycott worked Tea tax remains Boston Tea Party Offer to pay for tea-if act is repealed Britain wants repayment & punishment for those responsible