What is an Area of Study? An Area of Study is a focus or topic upon which your study of texts is based. In years 9-12 you will complete at least one Area of Study. Your topic is Conflict.
Conflict in Fiction Conflict in fiction can be as diverse and as individual as you are. It can also be used effectively to heighten tension and increase suspense. In many cases, the conflict within the story is the driving force towards the story goal. The need to overcome the conflict is often the central focus of the hero. The means to overcome that same conflict can then become a path to victory for the protagonist. Yet not all conflict must be gut-wrenching, wrist-slashing, eye-popping suspense. Often, the more subtle forms of internal emotional conflict can impact upon a reader far more deeply.
Conflict In your own words, define conflict. Write a paragraph about how people in their daily lives have to face and deal with conflict.
Some definitions of Conflict an open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals); opposition between two simultaneous but incompatible feelings; "he was immobilized by conflict and indecision“ opposition in a work of drama or fiction between characters or forces (especially an opposition that motivates the development of the plot); a state of opposition between persons or ideas or interests; "his conflict of interest made him ineligible for the post"; "a conflict of loyalties“
Types of Conflict There are two main types of Conflict. These are internal conflict and external conflict. Examples of internal conflict are; the choices and decisions we have to make, illnesses, depression, guilt, emotional conflict, weighing up situations. Examples of external conflict are; verbal abuse, physical fighting, differences of opinions between individuals, groups or countries, racism, sporting events, religious groups…
The Importance of Conflict Conflict is necessary to every story. In short stories, there is usually one major conflict. In longer stories, there could be several conflicts. Conflict adds excitement and suspense to the story. The conflict usually becomes clear right at the beginning of the story.
Two Main Types of Conflict External Conflict A struggle between a character and an outside force is in external conflict. Characters may face several types of outside forces. The outside force may be another character. It may be the character and the community. The outside forces may also be forces of nature e.g. a main character struggling against the artic cold. Human against human. Human against nature.
Two Main Types of Conflict Internal Conflict A struggle that takes place in a characters mind is called internal conflict. A character may have to decide between right and wrong or between two solutions to a problem. Sometimes a character must deal with their own mixed feelings or emotions. Human against themself.
Types of Conflict in Texts Character’s struggle against nature. When a character must overcome some natural obstacle or condition, a conflict with nature occurs. Floods, snowstorm, insects and animals may all constitute a conflict with nature. Task – write the name of three texts that deal with a character’s struggle against nature.
Types of Conflict Character’s struggle against an antagonist. A struggle between two people is a common element in many works in literature. However, conflict between two people is not always openly hostile. Task – write the name of three texts that deal with a character’s struggle against an antagonist.
Types of Conflict Character’s struggle against society. This occurs when a character is at odds with a particular social force or condition produced by society such as poverty, political revolution, a social convention or a set of values. Task – write the name of three texts that deal with a character’s struggle against society.
Types of Conflict Struggle between competing elements within the character (internal conflict). Within a character, aspects of their personality may struggle for dominance. These aspects may be emotional, intellectual or moral. Such conflicts typically leave the character indecisive and agitated. When the conflicts are resolved, the resolution may be successful or unsuccessful. Task – write the name of three texts that deal with a character’s struggle between competing elements within the character.
CONFLICT IN MOVIES OR NOVELS This develops from the problems or dilemmas that characters face. The conflict may be with other characters, self, society, nature and the environment. Conflict creates tension and is an essential component of all stories. It occurs in a story as a result of the situations in which the characters find themselves. There are problems to be solved, questions to be answered and physical and emotional challenges to be overcome.
The Importance of Conflict As the lot unfolds the reader starts to wonder what will happen next and how the characters will handle the situation. Many readers enjoy trying to predict the final outcome. The excitement usually builds to a high point or climax. The climax is the turning point of the story. Something has happened to resolve the conflict.
Reading For Conflict As you read the novel ‘Private Peaceful’. Identify the main characters. Decide what conflicts they face. Look for the steps they take to settle their conflicts. See if the steps caused other conflict. Watch for clues and try to predict what the characters will do. Enjoy the build up of suspense. Put yourself in the story. Decide if you would have solved the conflict in the same way.
How To Quote In Essays When you are writing an essay it is important to include APPROPRIATE quotes to support your point of view or to clarify something you have observed. Generally you quote within a sentence so that the material you quote becomes part of the sentence itself and therefore poart of the explanation.
How To Quote In Essays E.G Jack Merridew was a handsome boy ‘tall, thin, bony with red hair’ (p27). Simon had insight beyond his years and could recognise the beast within the group saying ,”Maybe there is a beast. Maybe it is only us” (p110-111).
How To Quote In Essays Sometimes you quote and then explain the relevance of it or you give an explanation and then quote to support it. E.G. ‘Roger sharpened a stick at both ends’ (p223) This epitomizes his final step on the trail to savagery. Simon was a Christ-like figure and his death is described almost poetically by Golding ‘the line of his cheek silvered and the turn of his shoulder became sculptured marble’(p190)