Construction of nature reserves Program WORLDMAP Input data: Species diversity Cost of unit area Presence of other species, ……..
Measures of diversity Number of species Number of species from predefined group (selective richness) Range centers Subtree length – phylogenetical coverage
Measures of rarity Range size rarity – count species with limited range Range centers
Spatial turnover Range edges Spatial heterogeneity
Construction of nature reserves Hotspots Complementarity areas Minimizing costs Comparison with random selection
Population viability analysis (PVA)
What is PVA Analysis of all possible factors affecting survival of a species/population and assessment of probability of recovery in a given time period
What affects population viability Demographic stochasticity Environmental stochasticity Catastrophes/Disturbances Genetic processes
Parts of PVA Local population dynamics Number of populations and spatial position Population sizes Carrying capacity Frequency and effect of catastrophes Effects of inbreeding Migration Occurrence of suitable unoccupied habitats
Types of models Precision of information Spatial and temporal scale Studied parameter (individual, population…)
Precision of information
Information on local population dynamics Complete population dynamics Only population growth rate and its variations Relationship to individual life span
Information on inbreeding depression Sensitivity of the species Affected fitness components Relationship between degree of inbreeding and fitness – shape of the relationship Reproductive system
Other complicating factors Density dependence Source-sink dynamics
Density dependence
Density dependence Sources of density dependence Predation Researchers
Source-sink dynamics Population size vs. local population growth rate
Studied parameter Types of models Individual-based – follow individuals Matrix-based – follow numbers of individuals Models following gene flow
Spatial scale Single local population Regional scale Total range of species
Precision x possibility to generalize Amount of information in the model Generality of the model Realism of the conclusions
Comparing results of PVA Sensitivity analysis
Sensibility of PVA Quantitative predictions vs. summarization of information Summarization of information on local population dynamics Identification of types of endangerment Assessment of effect of endangerment Comparison of different scenarios
Reliability of predictions
Predictions of local dynamics Capricorn silvereye, Zosterops lateralis chlorocephalus, Brook & Kikkawa 1998
Reliability of predictions Brook et al. 2000, summary of 21 PVA’s
Reliability of predictions Brook et al. 2000, summary of 21 PVA’s
Threshold response Territorial mammal - simulations, Lande 1987
Threshold response Pulliam 1992