The Red Badge of COurage By Stephen Crane Final Discussion Questions
Question #1 The ending of The Red Badge of Courage has been criticized and debated greatly. Some argue that Henry matures and becomes a man while others believe that Henry is static (just as vain and deluded at the end of the book as he was at the beginning). Which is it? Has he gained perspective or is he just as self-centered as before?
Question #2 Nature is indifferent to human life. This is one of the most prominent and important themes of the novel. How does the book convey this theme? What are some of its most important symbols? What does it mean for the universe to be “indifferent?
Question #3 Compare and contrast Henry, Wilson, and Jim. What does each character seem to represent? How does Crane’s focus on the inner workings of Henry’s mind give the reader a picture of Henry that is different from that of any other character? Which character would have been the best narrator of the story? Was it right to follow Henry?
Question #4 Stephen Crane specifically focused the novel on emotions and feelings throughout war rather than the battles themselves. Would have he been better served to put the emphasis on the events rather than the people’s feelings? Why or why not?
Question #5 Henry’s regiment was taunted and scorned quite frequently by not being given enough credit or by being called “mule drivers” and “mud diggers” If the 304 would have been given positive encouragement, do you feel like the outcome would have been the same? Why or why not? Is negative reinforcement as effective as positive reinforcement nowadays?
Question #6 The Red Badge of Courage is considered an American classic. What components of the novel support this? Why? Defend whether you agree or disagree with this statement.