Community Action Workshop Manual A Brief Tutorial Community Action Workshop Manual A Brief Tutorial Harmony Foundation of Canada
Harmony Foundation 2 Founded in 1985 by ecologist and educator Michael Bloomfield to: - bring a more positive approach to environmental action - build bridges between business, government and community - create education programs which produce practical results Innovation & Leadership in Sustainable Development Education and Practice
Harmony Foundation 3 Recognition for innovation and leadership includes: - United Nations Environment Programme Global 500 Award -Ethics in Action Award -Commonwealth Foundation Fellowship Innovation & Leadership in Sustainable Development Education and Practice
Community Action Workshop Manual Purpose –To enable local groups and their leaders to deliver workshops –To inspire community members to develop successful projects –To assist community groups and leaders to monitor and evaluate results to report on and celebrate activities after the workshop 4
Community Action Workshop Manual Audience –The Manual is prepared for: Community leaders and residents, people who share common interests and experiences, and People willing to take action together to make their communities healthier and more sustainable. 5
Community Action Workshop Manual Table of Contents 6 Manual Structure Introduction Guiding Principles Workshop Agenda Background Reading: Sustainable Societies in a Global Village Facilitating a Workshop Evaluating a Workshop Community Action Workshop Module 1: Pre-Workshop Planning and Communication Module 2: Understanding the Big Picture Module 3: Focusing Our Community Vision Module 4: Moving From Awareness to Action Module 5: Taking the Next Steps Glossary Key Resources
Background: Facilitator Preparation Preparation will help you to better understand –Your strengths and limitations –Your facilitation style It is important to understand –Participant learning needs –Facilitation styles –Workshop delivery techniques –Your Role 7
Facilitating a Workshop In this part, you will learn about –Understanding your audience –Your role as a facilitator –Sharing responsibility within the workshop –Facilitation styles –Incorporating experiential learning –Facilitation tools for all learners –Trouble shooting 8 Video of a trained facilitator Click to watch
Facilitating a Workshop Key points for successful facilitators –Understand your participants background and experience –Involve participants the workshop is a group process; encourage participants to solve problems –You are the facilitator not the expert guide, dont steer 9
Evaluating a Workshop Feedback is essential for success Ask participants about materials, methods and delivery. This section of the Manual provides you with –Evaluation techniques –Evaluation forms, and –Suggestions on how to document Workshop results 10
Evaluating a Workshop For a smooth workshop evaluation –Be clear about the purpose of the evaluation at all times. –Ensure techniques are democratic. –Be specific about the roles of participants in the evaluation. –Document evaluation results. 11
Community Workshop Modules Module 1Pre-Workshop Planning and Communication Module 2Understanding the Big Picture Module 3Focusing Our Community Vision Module 4Moving From Awareness to Action Module 5Taking the Next Steps
Module 1: Pre-Workshop Planning and Communication In Module 1, you will learn about –Arranging logistical details (date & time, venues, materials, etc.) –Workshop roles (facilitator, volunteers, hosts and group members) –Setting ground rules with the group 13
Module 1: Pre-Workshop Planning and Communication Ensure when preparing for a workshop –Roles and responsibilities are clearly assigned. –Logistics (times, venue, materials) are well organized before the activities. –Community/group leaders are well- prepared. –Open and objective communications are clear to all participants. 14 A video clip of a facilitator talking about Community Action Workshop Click to watch
Module 2: Understanding the Big Picture This module examines the impact of individual and societal values on the world around us. Activities include –Welcome, Opening Remarks, Introductions and Overview –Analyzing Our Issue –Values and Behaviour: Widening Our Circle of Concern 15
Module 2: Understanding the Big Picture Important things to note in this module –Adjust the agenda to meet participants expectations. –Regularly review goals and expectations. –Encourage Journaling. Journaling helps participants to record their insights and ideas. 16
Module 3: Focusing on Our Community Vision After identifying community problems, this module examines an issue and lays the ground work for action. Activities include –Profiling Our Community –Defining a Problem –Mapping Our Assets –Creating Our Vision 17
Module 3: Focusing on Our Community Vision Whats important in Module 3 –Stay focused on the local issue and practical action to address it. –Identify Community Assets - key individuals and organizations who can help. 18
Module 4: Moving from Awareness to Action Module 4 focuses on developing a detailed plan of action, including strategies for dealing with key challenges, and criteria to measure the success of your project. Activities include: –Developing Action Plan –Meeting Challenges –Measuring Success –Planning Follow-up –Workshop Closure 19
Module 4: Moving from Awareness to Action Things to note in this module –The Action Plan is not a static document, it should be reviewed and revised regularly. –Make the Action Plan clear and convincing – this will help attract support from influential decision makers. –Continue monitoring outcomes to ensure the project remains on track. –Finally, make sure participants understand the tasks they have chosen. 20 Action Plan – key points Who: Who are the players in the issue? Who needs to be involved? What are some strategies we can use to get them involved? With whom can we partner? What: What are some of the resources we need? What are some kinds of information we need? What resources do we have? What are some ways we can access what we need? When: What is our timeline? How: What are the action steps we need to take to proceed? Where: What is the most appropriate location? Action Plan – key points Who: Who are the players in the issue? Who needs to be involved? What are some strategies we can use to get them involved? With whom can we partner? What: What are some of the resources we need? What are some kinds of information we need? What resources do we have? What are some ways we can access what we need? When: What is our timeline? How: What are the action steps we need to take to proceed? Where: What is the most appropriate location?
Module 5: Taking the Next Steps The greatest challenge begins here – doing the project! The preceding modules have laid a strong foundation for success. This final section ensures everything is in place before the community launches its initiative. The activity in this module is –Preparing to Launch 21
Module 5: Taking the Next Steps The Action Plan will need regular review and updating as tasks are completed, new ones are added, or as circumstances and participants change. Review resources such as skills, money, partners, etc. Complete the pre-launch checklist to make sure everything is ready to start the groups project. 22
Participants Workbook A tool to help participants prepare, participate and organize. Participants Workbook Contents Introduction Community Profile Understanding Values Our World: Present Snapshots and Future Visions Action Record Sheet Sample Action Plan Participant Evaluation Journal Writing
More Helpful Resources The Key Resources section in the manual. Explore Harmonys website for publications, materials and ideas Harmony Foundation of Canada Harmony Foundation of Canada PO Box Victoria, BC, Canada V8S 1G1 Phone: (250) Fax: (250) Web:
Leadership for Positive Community Action