What Is the Difference Between ADHD and ADD? ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is the term used in (DSM-IV-TR) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) is the older term from the DSM-III R.
Treatment and Causes ADHD is a chronic biobehavioral disorder manifested in childhood, characterized by hyperactivity, impulsivity, or inattention. Therapy may include medication, behavioral therapy, and adjustments in day-to-day lifestyle activities. Heredity explains much of ADHD-like behavior. About 8-10% of children have been diagnosed with ADHD.
What type of ADHD does this child have?
1. Inattentive Type Doesnt attend to details; Cant stay focused; Doesnt follow through; Cant organize; Gets distracted; Loses things.
2. Hyperactive-impulsive Type Fidgets, squirms; Runs around or climbs constantly; Has trouble playing quietly; Blurts out answers; Has trouble waiting his/ her turn; Has trouble starting or changing tasks.
3. Combined Type Doesn't pay attention; Doesn't seem to listen; Is easily distracted; Is disorganized; Fidgets, runs or climbs; Talks continually; Avoids difficult tasks; Doesnt consider consequences.
What does this mean for the child in school? Kids with ADHD may be delayed 30% of their actual age in ability to pay attention and remember. They are not able to focus and use self-control. They cant sit and concentrate on instruction.
How can I help this child? Use behavior management strategies at home and at school; Request classroom accommodations; Use doctor- recommended medications; Facilitate information exchange between doctors, school andhome.
Support at Home and School Set up regular routine for homework. Schedule regular breaks for activity every 10 or 15 minutes. Offer rewards or incentives for doing homework.
Support at Home and School Give non-judgmental, constructive feedback. Provide high interest books and materials. Use an assignment book.
Communication Use a home-school communication system; Hold student-parent-teacher meetings; Assist teachers in using the students strengths and talents at school.
School Issues Off-task behavior; Disorganization; Sloppy work; Not following directions; Errors; Disruptive behavior; Daydreaming; Social interaction difficulties.
AD/HD-Related Memory Problems Working memory Retrieval
Organization Difficulties ·Time management; ·Prioritizing work; ·Reading/listening comprehension; ·Note taking; ·Study skills; ·Multi-step tasks.
Classroom & Instructional Accommodations Physical arrangement of room and schedule; Incorporate technology with oral instruction; Accept alternate assignments; Teach skills needed.
Testing Accommodations Provide study guides; Change evaluation methods to suit the child's learning styles and strengths; Allow use of technology (calculator, word-processor).
Grade Accommodations Mark correct answers; Base grades on standards with adaptations; Specify skills mastered.
Homework Limit homework; Give adapted assignments; Allow extra credit; Allow work at school; Provide written explanation; Assign a study buddy; Provide reminders about due dates; Utilize school website.
Organization Allow time for locker/ backpack organization; Organize materials and assignments; Use daily and weekly organization and clean up routines; Use a 3-ring binder; Follow-through.
Self-control Prepare student for transitions; Display rules; Give behavior prompts; Have clear consequences; Provide time to de-stress; Allow mindless motor movement; Use activity rewards; Provide supervision.
Working Memory Focus on one concept; List steps; Write work down; Use reading guides; Teach note-taking; Provide study guides; Let student use computer.
Memory Retrieval Teach memory devices; Practice sorting main ideas and details; Teach information and organization skills; Use accommodations such as grouping, mneomics, chuking, and word banks
Attention Getters and Keepers Repeat directions; Increase task structure; Highlight, color code and teach keyword underlining skills; Summarize key information; Give visual cues; Have class start together.
Problems sticking with and finishing tasks: Add interest and activity; Divide tasks into segments; Shorten tasks.
Advocate for your child Become knowledgeable about ADHD; Discuss ADHD, using books or Web sites; Share management strategies in community.
The End
References sorder_adhd/article.htm National Attention Deficit Disorder Association The National Institute of Mental Health - Learning Disabilities Association of America - an award-winning Web site offering in-depth information, audio and video clips, expert advice and a monthly newsletter for parents and professionals and for children and adults with LD and/or ADHD CHADD Support Groups for ADHD – The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities –