Home Based Family Care Rates Structure
NEW RATE STRUCTURE Converting to a new rate structure comprised of: A single rate for Short Term Residential Therapeutic Programs (STRTP’s). A Resource Family rate structure based on level of care and tied to the needs of the child/youth. Age is no longer sole factor for rate increases. Levels of Care (LOC) rates will be paid to Resource Families and is no longer distinguished by funding and family types. Intensive Treatment Foster Care expands to Intensive Services Foster Care. The rate will support special health care populations, MTFC, Therapeutic Foster Care, probation, step down alternative from, and prevention to higher needs placement. Services Only Rate County Option to support non FFA families.
HOME BASED FAMILY CARE RATE STRUCTURE Care and Supervision Rate is paid to the Resource Family and determined by a Level of Needs – using an assessment process. Basic Level $889 Level 2 $989 Level 3 $1089 Level 4 $1189 The Home Based Family Care Rate Structure You have a Basic Level, (renamed for Basic Level of Care 2 thru 4
HOME BASED FAMILY AGENCY RATE Paid to the FFA in Phase I is a rate that incorporates two new components; services and supports which are not limited to IV-E allowable activities and RFA. Refer to ACL 16-79. Age 0-4 5-8 9-11 12-14 15-21 FFA Certified Family $896 $954 $994 $1,032 $1,072 Social Worker $340 Service & Supports $156 Resource Family Approval $48 Administration $672 Total $2,112 $2,170 $2,210 $2,248 $2,288 New components are highlighted in Bold. Admin is no longer increase based on the age of the child. Lock in the highest admin rates ofr 672. Added some money for services and support which is not limited to just IVE allowable activities – flexible Payment is for the Psycho Social Activity
INTENSIVE SERVICES FOSTER CARE The ITFC program will be renamed to Intensive Services Foster Care (ISFC) and is intended to accommodate probation placements, MTFC, special health care or certain medical placements, an alternative to or step down from residential care, Therapeutic Foster Care or other special populations. The Resource family must meet a level of specified training and competencies matched to the child’s needs. Paid to the Resource Family $2,321 Admin $3,482 Services & Supports $200 Total $6,003
SERVICES ONLY County can contract with an FFA or a community based organization to provide services and supports. All children/youth should be able to get their needs met at all levels as determined by the Child and Family Team process -
IMPLEMENTATION SEQUENCE OF RATE STRUCTURE Effective 1/1/2017 – Automation will implement the rates as follows: All FFHs,(includes ARC), NFREM, NMDs in SILP paid less than $889 will increase to the Basic Level of $889. New placements on or after 1/1/17 receive Basic Level of $889. KinGAP/AAP – current placements receive same rate - new placements receive Basic Level. STRTP – Interim Rate of $12,036 if licensed as a STRTP. Wraparound – Single Rate of $8,573 – Phase I Intensive Services Foster Care – Phase II Level of Care Assessments and Levels 2-4 will be implemented once full automation is in place - Phase II
LEVEL OF CARE PROTOCOL The Level of Care (LOC) Protocol will be based on Five Domains. Physical, Health, Education, Behavioral/Emotional and accounts for Static factors that identify those children/youth that will automatically be LOC 4. The Protocol is designed to interact with other assessment tools and it will have weighted scoring to determine the rate. The next LOC workgroup will meet sometime in October to incorporate feedback from other stakeholders. There will be a testing period before a final release and then training will be offered. The goal is to have this finalized before the end of the Year.