1 4 7 2 5 8 This template has been set up to print on A2 paper (but if you ‘print to fit’ on a printer with A4 paper it will print A4. Instructions of creating the poster for each student Look at slide 2 below to see an example of what the finished poster will look like Return to this slide and delete slide 2 (example) ALSO delete 3-12 (these are just an example to show slide 2 was built from 9 slides) Paste the students 9 slides in below this template (so you have 10 slides in total) Save the file as A2 poster BaSIS ‘student name’ To create the new poster… Click on slide in number order– starting with slide below this one. Press Copy Return to this slide and click on the paste icon – select paste special and click on Picture (JPEG) Drag and downsize to position the slide over box number 1. Repeat for all other slides in order shown. When all slides are in position –add border and shadow to each box… see step 9 Mark all boxes (slides) together – do this by holding shift key and using mouse to click on each slide …then … Click on shape outline and select grey Click shape effect and select shadow outer – box on top left of selection 10. Save the ppt slide as normal with student name 11. Delete all slides except for the poster (2-10) 12. Save as ppt 13. Click ‘save as’ and select the file type pdf. You will then have a PDF poster! 3 6 9