The teaching/training cyle Identify Needs The teaching/training cyle
Identify Needs Plan & Design The teaching/training cyle The teaching/training cyle The teaching/training cyle The teaching/training cyle 3 3 3
Identify Needs Plan & Design Deliver The teaching/training cyle The teaching/training cyle The teaching/training cyle The teaching/training cyle 4 4 4
Identify Needs Plan & Design Assess Deliver The teaching/training cyle The teaching/training cyle The teaching/training cyle The teaching/training cyle 5 5 5
Identify Needs Evaluate Plan & Design Assess Deliver The teaching/training cyle The teaching/training cyle The teaching/training cyle The teaching/training cyle 6 6 6
The teaching/training cyle Identify Needs Any special needs? Preferred learning styles? Learners’ motivations? Educational experiences? Entry requirements? Organisations needs too The teaching/training cyle
The teaching/training cyle Plan & Design Course length? Session length? Size of group? Syllabus? Teaching methods? Resources? Assessment? Environment? The teaching/training cyle
The teaching/training cyle Deliver Do it! Adapt sessions, teaching methods, resources etc while it’s in progress. Formative Assessment The teaching/training cyle
The teaching/training cyle Assess Have the students learned what you intended them to learn? Formal and/or informal assessment. Ongoing and at the end. The teaching/training cyle
The teaching/training cyle Evaluate What is your and your learners’ opinions of the course? How could it be made better next time? The teaching/training cyle
The teaching/training cyle Identify Needs Evaluate The Teaching Cycle Plan & Design Assess Deliver The teaching/training cyle 12 12