As you come in… Staple your college prompt to the back of your essay. Be sure each of your highlighted areas are labeled (euphemism should be labeled “euphemism”) Get out a piece of paper for vocab
“The Juggler” group work As a group, answer the following questions: Who/what does “The Juggler” symbolize/represent? What EVIDENCE supports that interpretation? Break down the poem to support your symbol. How does the STRUCTURE enhance into your interpretation? Write this down – each group WILL share out
Today in AP… Come in and find your groups for the day. Then, take out your Voice Lesson notes (yes, we are doing them again!)
Diction: Using Connotations of Verbs Lesson #2 Diction: Using Connotations of Verbs
Consider… Discuss… Apply… Tick tock. Meanwhile, the United States Army, thirsting for revenge, was prowling the country north and west of the Black Hills, killing Indians wherever they could be found. - Dee Brown, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee Discuss… What are the connotations of thirsting? What feelings are evoked by this diction? What are the connotations of prowling? What attitude toward the U.S. army does this diction convey? Apply… List 10 eating and drinking verbs. It is okay to share ideas with a partner. Lesson 3a
Practice… Use an eating or drinking verb in a sentence which expresses anger about a parking ticket. Do not use the verb to literally express eating or drinking. Instead, express your anger through the verb. Lesson 3b
Diction: Using words to develop level of formality Lesson #3 Diction: Using words to develop level of formality
Please copy down the following: Tick tock. Most men wear their belts low here, there being so many outstanding bellies, some big enough to have names of their own and be formally introduced. Those men don’t suck them in or hide them in loose shirts; they let them hang free, they pat them, they stroke them as they stand around and talk. - Garrison Keillor, “Home,” Lake Wobegon Days Discuss… What is the usual meaning of outstanding? What is its meaning here? What does the pun reveal about the author’s attitude toward his subject? How would the level of formality change if we changed suck to pull and let them hang free to accept them? Lesson 4a
Practice… Write a few sentences describing an unattractive but beloved relative. Use words that describe the unattractive features honestly yet reveal that you care about this person, that you accept and even admire him/her, complete with defects. Use Keillor’s description as a model. Throw in a pun if you can think of one. Lesson 4b
“Desiree’s Baby” by kate chopin Read and annotate “Desiree’s Baby”, focusing on symbols and how they influence the meaning, tone, mood, and flow of the short story. Along with the annotations, highlight specific quotes that you feel are significant, or stand out to you for one reason or another. You need at least FOUR Use your powers of inference to fill in the “missing parts” of the story, and be able to discuss afterward.
Symbols to write home about… In your “Writing” section, copy down the following symbols from the story, leaving some space in between As you read about those symbols, jot down your ideas about what they are representing and how they help develop the plot Fine clothes The pillar L’Abri Fire Come up with 2-3 others, MINIMUM
Notecards… Please write down your four most significant quotes on the front of the notecards provided to you. On the back of each, write what you found significant about that quote in context of the story’s meaning / themes
Pair up Next, pair up with 3-4 other people. One person will share ONE of the quotes to the group. Their job is now done. The group will now discuss WHAT was significant about that quote. The person who shared does not provide ideas, only there to listen and comment according to the conversation that develops. Move on to the next person/card. Repeat.
themes Identify and state two themes from “Desiree’s Baby” Explain how each theme is supported using at least FIVE explicit details from the text