1994 Quickwrites
Quickwrites Write “Quickwrites” at the top of the page and your name. Draw a line halfway down by the hole, splitting your page in two: top half and bottom half. You have 10 minutes to write ½ a page. After 10 minutes we will discuss the issue and respond. I’ll collect them at the end of the hour. I would like to get through 4 Quickwrites. Full credit (5 points) will be earned for ½ a page of serious thoughts on the subject using correct writing mechanics
Laws p.51 Nurse Greta says, "You can't change laws without first changing human nature." But Nurse Yvonne says, "You can't change human nature without first changing the law." Which nurse is more right? How come? Are there ways she's also wrong? Going deeper, do laws actually change human nature? Or do they change human actions? How are human nature and human actions different?
Racism p.122 This society has chosen to get rid of the racially charged labels of "white" and "black" to refer to a person's skin color. Instead, they now use "umber" and "sienna." What do you think about this switch? In what ways might this help erase racism? In what ways might it fail to erase racism? What other little steps might need to be done to help erase racism?
Parts p.169 How would you feel to receive a body part from an Unwind? Does it matter which body parts? Why? Does it matter what gender? Why?
Soul p.171 What do you think would happen to the soul of an Unwind? What is a soul? Is it "indivisible" like Diego says? Or does it get broken up like Connor says? Or is Hayden right that God knows who will get unwound and doesn't give them souls? Or does a person not get a soul until they're loved by someone?