Back to School Student Meeting 2017/18
OUR GOAL IS TO EDUCATE YOU! For this to happen, we all have responsibilities. Ours is to work hard and provide you a quality education. Your responsibility is to be a good citizen and help us have a productive environment. It’s our hope you come with that attitude that you want to learn as well. Everything we do is designed to help you, keep the school safe and organized. However, at times we have to react to your actions. Please keep that in mind. If your actions are always positive, our interactions will always be positive. In large part, you are in control.
Attendance School Policy: If you miss more than 9 each semester days you may be subject to losing credit. You will need to provide documentation in order to not lose credit. City Ordinance: You will be contacted when you have your third and fifth unexcused absence each semester. If you reach seven unexcused absences you will get a ticket from Officer Bright which requires you to attend court.
Tardies Be where your teacher says to be when the bell rings. We will follow the tardy policy and detentions may be assigned.
DISCIPLINE We have a point system that is in your student agenda. Please understand that we will follow it. Small issues will get you lesser points but they will add up over time. Points accumulate throughout the year. The goal is not to suspend you, rather to keep the school safe and orderly. Every action has a consequence.
Parking Use student parking lots only. Refusal to follow this reasonable request will earn 10 points on the point system. Ag Students need to park in the student parking lots.
Cell Phones and other Electronic Devices Follow your teacher's procedure. If I have to get involved you will be assigned points toward your discipline at the very least. It’s possible to have more significant consequences.
Dress Code Any lower body clothing must cover your knee when standing. Any writing, low cut tops or other things that may be an issue are left to our judgement. Violations will carry a low point value, between 1 and 3 points. Repeated violators will likely get a 10 point addition for refusal to follow a reasonable request. Tights need to be covered down over your rear.
Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation/Fighting This carries a weight of at least 55 points on the point system. Suspensions start when a student reaches 50 points. Therefore, if have one of these situations, you will be suspended for it and for every discipline issue that might happen from that point.
Social Media/Text/Anything Digital If you write it, or post it others get to interpret it. This may be considered as harassment, bullying or another significant form of picking on another student. This will likely get you a minimum of 55 points.
Videoing and Posting things that happen at school If you choose to video a fight, or other negative event that happens at school, you may receive discipling points for bullying or harassment. In society today, social media plays too large of a role in how students feel about themselves. Do not post anything that may cause another student to feel bullied, picked on,harassed or threatened.
Have a great year You have the opportunity to learn from excellent teachers and people. Please take advantage of that. Our hope is that you get an excellent education. If that is your goal, we will make it happen together.