History of Classification By Mr. Krall
Over 2,000 years ago there was a man His name was Aristotle (air-is-stah-tul)
He wanted to organize living things to make them easier to study.
Aristotle classified organisms by where they lived. Air Land Water ...but this system had problems.
In Aristotle’s system, where would a duck go? Air Land Water Aristotle’s system was used for many years, but scientists wanted a better system. Ducks get their food from and swim in the water. Does this make them water organisms? Ducks lay eggs on land. They could be land organisms. Ducks fly and migrate. They could be air organisms.
About 250 years ago… Carlous Linnaeus also wanted to classify organisms. He made his own system.
He wrote this book. It explained his system to classify organisms.
Linnaeus’ system is called… binomial nomenclature (by-no-me-ul no-men-clay-chur) which means “two name naming system” We still use this system today.