Proposed PAR and 5 Criteria for High Throughput Task Group


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Presentation transcript:

Proposed PAR and 5 Criteria for High Throughput Task Group Month 2002 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/xxxr0 November 2002 Proposed PAR and 5 Criteria for High Throughput Task Group Adrian P Stephens, Intel Corporation Tel: +44 771 276 3448 (mobile) Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation John Doe, His Company

Draft PAR and 5C submission (11-02-654r0) November 2002 Draft PAR and 5C submission (11-02-654r0) Intended to become a working document owned by the group Needs additional marketing input Needs additional technical input Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

Month 2002 doc.: IEEE 802.11-02/xxxr0 November 2002 Proposed Process Move to accept submission 11-02-654r0 as a draft PAR and 5C Move to solicit market information (usage models) and add to the PAR & 5C. Move to solicit technical information on what rates are feasible and add to the PAR and 5C. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation John Doe, His Company

Why solicit marketing information ? November 2002 Why solicit marketing information ? Coexistence/Compatibility with legacy equipment will add complexity to the protocol and cost to implementations. This information (in the form of breakdown by usage model/market segment) should resolve what is actually required to go into the PAR. If we don’t do this, the assumption will be made that we will support the operation of a mixed BSS of legacy and 802.11 HT devices. This is complex and will add to the duration of the task group. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

Why solicit technical feasibility information? November 2002 Why solicit technical feasibility information? We don’t want to set the bar too low (not enough Pizzaz) or too high (too much cost). Indefinite language in the PAR & 5C risks delay in its sponsor ballot process. i.e. it is better to have the delay discussing something useful rather than mired down in the balloting process. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

Review of the document Document: November 2002 Review of the document Document: 11-02-654r0-HT-Proposed_PAR_and_5_Criteria_for_802.11_High_Throughput_Task_Group.doc Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

November 2002 Motion 1 Move that this group adopt 11-02-654r0 as its draft PAR and 5C. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

November 2002 Motion 2 Move that: this group solicit Marketing Information submissions containing usage scenarios / market segments size for 802.11 high throughput the group determine the requirements for compatibility/coexistence based on this information and add these requirements into its draft PAR & 5C the PAR and 5C will not be submitted to ballot until these requirements are added Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

November 2002 Motion 3 Move that: this group solicit technical submissions indicating what data throughput rates should be feasible along with an architectural (high level) description of the technology to achieve it the group determine a suitable performance requirement for its PAR and 5C that is shown to be technically feasible. the PAR and 5C will not be submitted to ballot until this requirement is added Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation