Undergrad (UG)s committee David Feil-Seifer (also on college committee) Monica Nicolescu Ming Li Lei Yang Dongfang Zhao Sushil Louis (Chair)
Including these slides Undergrad committee http://www.cse.unr.edu/~sushil/admin/ugrad/ Including these slides TBM
Goals 1 New “C or better” in all required courses needs “gradual” updates (DFS) Correlate course syllabi with ABET requirements for SLOs and accreditation (MN) Minor in Unmanned Autonomous Systems (SL) Internships new paperwork (MN?)
Goals 2 Silver core reverification (MN) CS105 and CIT128 at TMCC Computing for all (CO9) Computing for Engineers Computing for grad students Stat 352 or Stat 461 ENGR 461 tech elective C09: Science, Technology & Society: Students will be able to connect science and technology to real-world problems by explaining how science relates to problems of societal concern; be able to distinguish between sound and unsound interpretations of scientific information; employ cogent reasoning methods in their own examinations of problems and issues; and understand the applications of science and technology in societal context.
Goals 3 Better Advising Summer classes (sjl) New courses Mobile Design Large scale software UG Website for faculty and students FAQ, …
Goals 4 ?