The Early Modernism in Europe 1932 Museum of Modern Art in New York Architectural exhibition – The International style Stylistic qualities Flat roofs Smooth and usually white walls Large areas of glass Asymmetrical planning No historical or ornamental detail Functionalism Abstract, cubistic and mechanistic qualities of the machine age History of Interior Design Sofia Sebastian
The Early modernism in Europe Impressive engineering structures using steel and reinforced concrete to create forms Concrete (in semi-liquid form) has the ability to take shapes such as smooth curves that are difficult in wood and steel Salginatobel bridge, Switzerland Steel reinforcing rods accept tensile stresses and generate great strength History of Interior Design Sofia Sebastian
The Early modernism in Europe NETHERLANDS AND ITALY Casa del Popolo, Italy Church of le Notre Dame, Le Raincy, Paris – Auguste Perret History of Interior Design Sofia Sebastian
The Early modernism in Europe FRANCE Dalsace House, Paris - Dramatic and handsome interior using steel and glass House at Paris by Robert Mallet History of Interior Design Sofia Sebastian
The Early modernism in Europe SCANDINAVIA Alvar Aalto – Moulded plywood arm chair – Artek chair History of Interior Design Sofia Sebastian
The Early modernism in Europe ENGLAND Apartment blocks by Tecton, London Marcel Breuer – Plywood long chair – Isokon chair Maxwell Fry, Sun House – large glass areas typical of Modernist style History of Interior Design Sofia Sebastian