What did people think about female rulers? Source 2 “God incline Your Majesty’s heart to marriage, and that he will so bless and send such good success therein that we may see the fruit and child that may come thereof.” From a speech to the House of Commons, 1563 Source 3 “It would be far better for the Queen and her kingdom if she would take a consort who might relieve her of those labours which are only fit for men.” Philip II of Spain, 1559 Source 1 “Thou hast set to rule over us a woman, whom nature hath formed to be in subjection to man…Ah, Lord, to take away the empire from a man and give it to a woman seemeth to be an evident token of thine anger towards us Englishmen.” Thomas Becon, a Norfolk clergyman, 1554 Source 4 “Pray God would send our mistress a husband, and by time a son, that we may hope our prosperity shall have a masculine succession.” Lord William Cecil, Principal Secretary of State, 1566 Source 5 “There were occasionally women (like Elizabeth) … raised up by divine authority… the nursing mothers of the Church.” John Calvin, Zurich Letters
What were Elizabeth’s biggest problems in 1558? To understand how central government was structured. To explain problems Elizabeth faced at the start of her reign. To begin to assess the way in which Elizabeth dealt with problems.
What were Elizabeth’s biggest problems in 1558? To understand how central government was structured. To explain problems Elizabeth faced at the start of her reign. To begin to assess the way in which Elizabeth dealt with problems. Elizabeth was surrounded by a large number of organisations / groups / institutions who helped her to rule. They all played varying roles in government, some more formal than others. Elizabeth gave some responsibility for various matters to different people or institutions, however she, as Queen, retained PREROGATIVE over a number of key issues / policy areas: William Cecil Lord Burghley Sir Francis Walsingham Robert Dudley Earl of Leicester Sir Christopher Hatton Sir Walter Ralegh Sir Francis Knollys
What were Elizabeth’s biggest problems in 1558? To understand how central government was structured. To explain problems Elizabeth faced at the start of her reign. To begin to assess the way in which Elizabeth dealt with problems. In the 1590s: The role of the Privy Council was to: Robert Devereux Earl of Essex Robert Cecil A favourite
Central government What were Elizabeth’s biggest problems in 1558? To understand how central government was structured. To explain problems Elizabeth faced at the start of her reign. To begin to assess the way in which Elizabeth dealt with problems. Patronage – rewarding supporters with offices, titles and wealth Central government Nobility The Court The Household
What were Elizabeth’s biggest problems in 1558? To understand how central government was structured. To explain problems Elizabeth faced at the start of her reign. To begin to assess the way in which Elizabeth dealt with problems. As the Privy Council, decide from all the problems ELIZABETH had to deal with at the start of her reign, which problems should she tackle first and why – create a TOP 3 list.
What were Elizabeth’s biggest problems in 1558? To understand how central government was structured. To explain problems Elizabeth faced at the start of her reign. To begin to assess the way in which Elizabeth dealt with problems. As Elizabeth, how would you have dealt with the problems facing you at the start of your reign? Thinking Point……. From what you have learned about the problems facing Elizabeth at the start of her reign, what general issues faced the new monarch within the context of 1558?