Central Bucks High School West Important Policies and Procedures Day 1
CBW Student Handbook While this presentation will review important policies and procedures, you are responsible for reviewing and understanding the entire CB West Handbook. The student handbook is available on the CB West website under “For Students.”
Locker Combinations Your locker number and combination are on your schedule If you don’t have this information, your advisor can provide it to you
Opening your locker STEP 1: Turn dial RIGHT to first # STEP 2:Turn dial LEFT, passing zero, to second # STEP 3: Turn dial RIGHT to third # STEP 4:Pull the door open A Wing Lockers Only: Pull up on latch to open Please do not spin the lock mechanism when your locker is open.
Closing your locker STEP 1: Close your locker door STEP 2: Spin the lock mechanism to lock If you have problems with your locker, see your advisor. If your advisor is unable to help, s/he will fill out the paperwork to get your assistance.
Critical Course Changes Changes in courses will only be honored under one of the following circumstances: Failure to meet course pre-requisite Level change verified by teacher and approved by building principal
Course Changes Do not ask your counselor to change a class you’ve chosen unless you have failed to meet the pre-requisite or require a level change.
Attendance—Excused / Unexcused Please note that there are two types of absences: EXCUSED and UNEXCUSED
Attendance—EXCUSED ABSENCES Illness Medical/dental appt. Inclement weather Impassable roads Health care Special family occasions Religious holiday/observance Home emergencies Death in family Excused absences require a parent phone call, parent email, or written note to the Attendance Office within three days of the absence. After 10 excused absences, the school will require a medical note for each subsequent absence. Failure to submit medical note results in the absence being unexcused.
Attendance—UNEXCUSED ABSENCES Truancy Remaining at home to do school work Oversleeping Parental neglect Missing the bus Other work at home Childcare Shopping Employment “Senior cut” day Hunting / fishing Car trouble Willful / neglectful failure to come to school Visiting relatives & friends If an entire school day is determined to be unexcused, the student may receive a Saturday Suspension as well as academic consequences. After 3 unexcused absences in one year, the school will hold a School Attendance Improvement conference with parents. Truancy citations will follow the conference if unexcused absences continue.
Tardiness to School It is important that you arrive to school on time (in your classroom by 7:25 AM). If you are late, you must report directly to the Attendance Office. Your first block teacher will NOT admit you to class late (even if you are only a minute late); you will be sent directly to the Attendance Office. To excuse your tardy, you must supply an acceptable excuse note from your parent within 3 days.
Tardiness to School / Class CONSEQUENCES: 3 unexcused tardies = parent & administrative intervention meeting, suspension of privileges 6 unexcused tardies = 2-hour detention, suspension of privileges 9 unexcused tardies = Saturday detention, suspension of privilege 12 + unexcused tardies = administrative review, parent conference, additional disciplinary consequences *Privileges include but are not limited to: Parking, prom, and extra- curricular activities
Arriving Late/ Leaving Early If you must arrive late or leave school early for a legitimate reason, your parent / guardian must contact the Attendance Office. You must sign in / sign out with the Attendance Office upon your arrival / dismissal.
Missed Work For EXCUSED absences, students have the total number of days they are absent to make up work. Any work not made up in that time period may have academic consequences. Missed work for UNEXCUSED absences may result in a ZERO for the assignment or assessment.
Appearance Code: Clothing Clothing Must be Free of… Profanity Vulgarity Innuendo Personal or group ridicule Alcohol references Drug references Tobacco references References to illegal activities
Appearance Code: Hats & Hoods Staff members reserve the right to prohibit hats and hoods in classrooms
Appearance Code If an administrator deems an article of clothing inappropriate, student will be asked to cover the clothing or change into something appropriate before returning to class
Cell Phones Cell Phones may be used in accordance with the Central Bucks West Terms of Use for Personal Electronic Communication Devices (BYOD). We ENCOURAGE students to use cell phones to keep track of homework assignments and due dates.
Cell Phones Any student that has a cell phone out, on, or audible in an instructional area without the consent of the teacher will be disciplined as follows: 1st Offense= referral; conference; 1 hour admin. detention 2nd Offense= Saturday detention 3rd Offense= In-school suspension 4th Offense= Parent conference; In-school suspension
Smoking & Tobacco Policy Smoking and the use of any form of tobacco, e-cigarettes, or vaping devices is prohibited on the CB West campus Possession of matches, lighters, or e- cigarette and vaping accessories is also prohibited.
Smoking & Tobacco Policy Disciplinary consequences: 1st offense--$50 fine & smokers’ cessation class 2nd offense--$100 fine 3rd and subsequent offenses—court citation Note: if any smoking or tobacco accessories are not able to be identified or are identified to be in violation of our drug/alcohol policy, police will be notified.
Threats & Harassment Threats or harassment towards any member of the CB West community are not tolerated Any threat or instance of harassment should be reported to the nearest adult
Weapons are prohibited on all school property and at all school events Possession of a weapon may result in expulsion
Disciplinary Actions Discipline referral: Written by staff member, reviewed by House Principal Detention: 2:40—4:40 daily in the small end of the cafeteria (must be served within five days) Students may serve one or two hours of detention at a time One detention = one hour In order to attend the second hour of detention (3:40-4:40), a student must attend the first hour (2:40-3:40).
CB West Student Handbook It is your right and responsibility to review the entire handbook and to abide by the rules outlined in the handbook. Failure to review the rules does not excuse you from following them. Find it on the CB West website under “For Students” at this link: https://www.cbsd.org/domain/609 Junior/Senior Advisors Only…Please Continue to Next Slides
Privilege System Additional privileges for juniors and seniors who have demonstrated a good academic & disciplinary records Sophomores are not eligible for privilege until junior year Academic requirements: 3.0 GPA during previous marking period Good attendance Appropriate, respectful behavior No obligations
Students With Privilege May report to the following areas during non- instructional time after checking in at Study Hall: Lobby & Court St. Café Study Hall Food Court Outside Privilege Area (near flagpole on W. Court St.) Library
Denial of Privilege House principals may deny or revoke Privilege for poor academic achievement, poor attendance / punctuality, inappropriate behavior, obligations, or for failure to meet Career Plan requirements