Starter Why would farmers want bigger and fatter animals? How would farmers get bigger and fatter animals?
SOME: will be able to explain why each change took place. What a fat pig! Learning Outcome: To be able to explain how farming changed and developed during the eighteenth century, and why farmers started to grow incredibly fat animals. ALL: will be able to describe what four-course rotation was. MOST: will be able to identify three key changes that took place in farming. SOME: will be able to explain why each change took place. BLP: Distilling Literacy Skill: Selecting
Green PEN P: I think the most significant factor in the number of deaths decreasing was that farming started to improve. E: Farmers started to change their farming methods and became a lot more efficient in producing a large quantity and variety of foods (e.g. through enclosure, selective breeding programmes, specialising, four crop rotation). E: This meant that people had enough food and a good range of different types of food to give them a healthy balanced diet. L: Healthy people are able to fight disease more effectively and so lived longer which decreased the death rate which increased the population size. It was the most significant because without food Britain could not have sustained a larger population.
Main activities The problems with farming in the 1700s. Task 1: Which do you think wasted the most land? Give reasons for your choices.
Main activities So what changed? Task 2: In your own words, explain what is meant by ‘enclosure’ and list the benefits.
Main activities Task 3: Using information around the room, find out about the following: Four-course rotation Specialization New equipment Selective breeding
HOMEWORK You now have enough information to complete your homework project! You have 2 weeks to produce an instruction manual for farmers in the 1800s telling them how to improve their farms. Week 1 you will: What are the problems with farming. Week 2 you will:- what are the solution's? Include details under the headings: Enclosure – move away from strip farming 4 course rotation Selective breeding of animals New equipment
Plenary: Identify three key changes in farming during the 18th century and explain why each change took place.