Ethan Kerr Room 14 Dinosaur Lesson
SPINOSAURS Doesn’t have a fully complete skeleton It was one of the largest predators that ever lived 60ft long the biggest theropod It had a large bony sail along its back and snout Jaw was lined with razor sharp teeth It liked to eat fish
ESTREPTOSPONDYLS It lived in England 165 million years ago It grew up to 7 meters long It had a large head with a strong jaw to attack and tear victims It along the shore for fish and water creatures It belonged to the family megalosaurids
DILOHOSAURUS It exsisted192 million years ago in the Jurassic period It roamed North America It was 6 meters long It was the biggest predator in the early Jurassic period It hunted agile prosouropods
CARNOTAURUS With the bite of a lion this theropod dinosaur was 8 m long and 3 m tall It had 2 bull like horns on its short skull It was the fastest carnivore Its name means meat eating bull