Recipes & Math Skills
What a Recipe Tells You… Although recipes are written in many different formats, most have the same basic information. You need to look for: Ingredients and amounts. In a well-written recipe they are listed in order of use. Any pre-preparation needed. For example, does the butter or cheese need to be softened. The preparation steps. The temperature and time of cooking. The yield- the amount the recipe makes. Information about nutrients and calories- not all recipes will provide this information. If any of these items are missing- be careful- it may not be a very good recipe to follow!
Maple Baked Beans 2-12 oz. cans Baked Beans ½ cup Chopped Onions ½ cup Maple Syrup ¼ cup Ketchup 1 Tbsp. Mustard ¼ cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese (optional) Preheat oven to 350. Mix all ingredients together. Pour into a greased casserole dish. Bake, uncovered for 30 minutes or longer. Sprinkle cheddar cheese on top for the last ten minutes, baking until cheese is melted. Serve warm. Yield: 6 (1/2 cup) servings. Nutrition per serving: 156 calories, 1g Fat, 9g Fiber Is this a well written recipe?
Units of Measurement The amount of an ingredient may be given by: Volume, or how much space it takes up. Weight, or how heavy it is. A number of items, such as 2 bananas. Customary Units of Measurement- refers to the system of measurement most commonly used in the United States. The Metric System- is a system of measurement based on multiples of 10. It is the system used in most countries.
Changing the Yield You may want to change a recipes yield to make more or fewer servings. Heres how: 1. Decide how many servings you want. This is called the desired yield. 2. Use the following formula: Desired Yield ÷ Original Yield = Magic Number 3. Change each amount: Original Amount x Magic Number = New Amount
Changing the Yield Example Desired Yield: 4 Servings Original Yield: 12 Servings 4 / 12 =.333 OR 1/3 1 cup uncooked rice x 1/3 = 1/3 cup uncooked rice
Tips for Changing the Yield Use the Equivalent Measures Chart to convert hard-to measure amounts, such as 1/8 cup, into easier ones, such as 2 Tablespoons. Before you start to prepare the recipe write down all the new amounts. For most casserole, stew, soup, and salad recipes, using exact amounts is often unnecessary. You can round them off if needed. For baked goods such as breads & cakes, using exact amounts is more critical. Instead of decreasing the yield, consider making the whole recipe and freezing portions of the final product. Remember to make changes in equipment sizes too.
Following A Recipe Read the recipe carefully before you start. Is it clear and complete? Find out the meaning of unfamiliar terms. IF the steps confuse you, choose another recipe or ask for help. Assemble all of the ingredients and equipment. Then youll know you have everything that you need. If youre missing an ingredient, check the emergency substitution chart found in many cookbooks. Can you substitute an ingredient you have on hand? If not, you may need to shop for ingredients or find a new recipe. Measure carefully. This is especially important for baked goods.
Following A Recipe Use the equipment named in the recipe. If a recipe call for an 8-inch square pan, using an 11x7 inch pan will give a different result. If youre a beginning cook, follow the recipe exactly. After you have gained experience, you can vary recipes to suit your needs and tastes. Reread the recipe as you work to be sure you didnt leave out anything. Pay attention to the signs of doneness. Check meat, poultry, and fish with a meat thermometer to ensure food safety.