The scientific study of mind and behavior Psychology * The scientific study of mind and behavior
What makes psychology a science? Scientific method * the set of assumptions, rules, and procedures that scientists use to conduct empirical research Empirical research * collecting, organizing, and drawing conclusions from data Data * information collected through formal observation or measurement.
More to come on this topic in chapter two.
Levels of Explanation in Psychology Psychologists understand behavior at different levels, from lower-level biological factors to higher-level cultural factors. Behavior has multiple, interactive causes. Culture/ Society Personality/ Interpersonal Biology/ Genetics Inter-action Behavior
Levels of Explanation: Depression Social/Cultural (gender roles, unemployment) Personal/Interpersonal Individual thought process Marital relationship Biological /Genetic Genes, Hormones, Neurotransmitters Interaction Depression
Try it: Choose an emotion or behavior. Fill in the Blanks Social/Cultural _________________ Personal/Interpersonal _______________________ Biological /Genetic __________________ Interaction ________
Levels of explanation Why did _____ do _____? There is no single explanation for most mental processes or behaviors. Levels of explanation Provide a focus for research Provide a direction for application Provide a framework for critical thinking
Evolutionary Psychology * Key Concepts: Fitness for Survival Reproduction Natural selection Adaptation
Biological Psychology Interaction between biology and behavior: Brain Nervous system Hormones Genetics Chemicals, nutrition Exercise, stress
Psychodynamic Perspective Unconscious thoughts, feelings, behavior. Sigmund Freud, M.D. Video Psychoanalysis – treatment based on psychodynamic (psychoanalytic) theory
Humanistic Psychology Key Concepts: Free Will Self Concept Self Esteem Self-Actualization To be cont. (ch.7)
Behaviorism Key Concepts Focus on observable behavior. Baby is a Blank Slate Experiences shape behavior. Behavior is predictable Control behavior by controlling environment Watson Video
Cognitive Psychology Mental Processes, including Thinking Perception Memory Judgment Piaget video
Information Processing Cognitive Theory Computer metaphor Input, encoding, storage, processing, output (retrieval) Programs (e.g. language) Limits of this metaphor
Sociocultural Approach Humans influenced by: Social situations Culture Key Concepts: Conformity Social Norms Individualism v. Collectivism
Can You Label These Perspectives? 1 3 2 4 8 7 6 5
Practitioners Psychiatrists – M.D., can prescribe drugs Psychologists – Ph.D. or Psy.D. Many subfields of psychology Video