Local Section Activities Committee: Getting Back on Track American Chemical Society Local Section Activities Committee: Getting Back on Track Barbara Hillery, New York Local Section Mark O’Brien, American Chemical Society
Operations & Support Subcommittee O&S is a subcommittee of LSAC (one of four). Helps Local Sections “be all they want to be”, usually by providing assistance and guidance to sections deemed “challenged”. How deemed? By review of annual reports (sometimes multiple years from same section). 20 – 25 sections (out of 185) per year get O&S scrutiny. American Chemical Society
How/Why is a Section “Challenged”? No annual report. No annual election/repeat officers. No annual budget and/or financial problems. No/minimal Local Section programming. No/minimal participation in national events (LI, national meetings, NCW, CCED, etc.). Wide geographical distribution – difficult for members to travel. Losing local members (including because of employment). Personality issues. American Chemical Society
What does O&S do? Mostly reach out to challenged Sections: Phone calls, emails to Section leaders Meet representatives at national meetings, LI Survey Section membership Visit Sections Goal: To help Local Sections serve its membership. American Chemical Society
Let’s talk about what O&S can do for you! American Chemical Society
“Nucleation Sites” for new ideas: How can you get your members better involved? Are you spending enough of your budget? Aim for at least one new venue per year/officer cycle? Interesting speakers of more general interest? Science reporters/writers Jewelers or metalsmiths Microbrewers Bloggers on science topics Joint meetings with neighboring sections, other societies? American Chemical Society
Some Useful Links FORMS: https://rpts.acs.org/rpts/login.jsf Local Sections: https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/membership-and-networks/ls.html Funding: https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/membership-and-networks/ls/grantsawards.html IPG Activities: https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/funding-and-awards/grants/acscommunity/lsinnovativegrant/ipgs-funded-list.html ***ADD TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES DOCUMENT*** American Chemical Society