IDENTITY Who we are in Christ (Ephesians)
Our identity is no small matter! Benjamin Kyle (William Burgess Powell)
IDENTITY… Who we are in Christ
1. OUR CALLING (Our identity in Christ) Outline of Ephesians 1. OUR CALLING (Our identity in Christ) 2. OUR CONDUCT (Our living in Christ) In the Church (ch. 4) In the World (ch. 5:1-20) In the Home (ch. 5:21-6:4) In the Workplace (ch. 6:5-9) 3. OUR CONFLICT (Our stand in Christ)
today: Anchored in Eternity
1. The giver of our new identity Begins with God “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us … with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” Our new identity: “in Christ ”’
2. The blessings of our new identity “… who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing …” l. The spiritual nature of our blessings ll. The sphere of our blessings (‘in the heavenly realms’) lll. The scope of our blessings
3. The origin of our new identity His Purpose (will) v. 5-6 ‘in accordance with His pleasure and will, to the praise of His glorious grace…’ Nothing or no one outside of Himself gave His will direction or motivation
The origin of our new identity His Pre-determined choice v. 4 ‘He chose us in Him before the creation of the world…’ l. Election “Chosen in Christ” In eternity past God selected you
The origin of our new identity His Pre-determined choice v. 4 ‘He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ…’ ll. Predestination The purpose in view when God ‘marked us out’ ... to be His sons and daughters
God’s sovereignty and grace gives us assurance l God’s sovereignty and grace inspires worship God’s sovereignty and grace gives us assurance God’s sovereignty and grace is an incentive to holiness God’s sovereignty and grace is a basis for humility
Loved with everlasting love