Die Brücke: towards a new didactic
Why this title? Working together Common objecties Improvement of competence in the two subjects
How the project has born Final examination (that includes a written and a oral assessment on all the subjects Planning of the two subjects involved (Art and foreign Language) Artistic and literars european movements
Why the German language? German language as communication language for contents Austrian and German art in the school syllabus of art
Students of a final school year The Actors Teachers of German language and of Art Students of a final school year
GOALS Activation of a learning itinerary through modular didactic For the teachers: Activation of a learning itinerary through modular didactic Self evaluation of our metodology in a sinergy relationship between the two subjects
For the students: Development of functional competence in the foreign language Experimental relationship with the teacher and the school friends Raising in motivation of the educational offer
INNOVATIONS New methodological approach Active didactic New trends of instruments and materials New feeling towards european culture
The students are protagonist of the learning process