Geography 20F Room 118 Geographic Issues of the 21st Century Ms. T. Hawryluk, Social Studies/Science/Math Teacher
Outline of the course Unit 1 – Map Skills and Geographic Literacy Unit 2 – Food from the Land Unit 3 – Natural Resources Unit 4 – Industry and Trade Unit 5 – Urban Places* (if time permits) **Course Focus – Environmental Impacts including Stewardship & Sustainability
Geographical Thinking Outcomes (Refer to your rubric handout-do not loose this!) Manage Ideas and Information (plan, organize, evaluate sources) Critical/Creative Thinking Collaboration (cooperate, collaborate, evaluate group process) Communication Physical-Human Geography Social Issues
Environmental Themes Major concepts: **Sustainability-keeping our earth healthy for future generations **Stewardship- the activity or job of protecting and being responsible for something Sustainable Development Goals 2 mins We are the People for Sustainable Goals 3 mins Prince Ea Sorry 5 mins Man vs Earth Prince Ea 5 mins Global Warming Blue Man Group: Earth to America
Environmental Themes Major ideas: Physical and Human Geography and how they relate/connect/overlap. How humans impact the earth 5 mins Human Impact on environment 3 mins
Attendance/Lates By the book- phone call home 4 and 8 absences. If you miss the class, you MUST contact me to find out what you missed so I can email you the assignment and/or notes– (see my teacher website see next slide–accessible through the school webpage or course outline for my email) Let me know well in advance of trips, etc. Please be on time: This really has to do with RESPECT, politeness and responsibility. If you are late, you are responsible for catching up on anything you have missed without disturbing the class or other students. If it becomes a regular occurrence parents/administration will be notified
Missed assessments and / or Due Dates If you miss a assessment date, please phone the school, 667-2960, ext. 4518, (Open Area) and leave a message for me. And Email Me!! ( ) This should happen even if your parents have phoned the attendance line. Keep up with assignments on my weebly page.
Due Dates/Deadlines All work must be handed in on time There are due dates for a reason!! –Always assume it is due the next day unless I state otherwise! Assignments will not be accepted once the assignment has been handed back to the class. If you wish to hand it in you must work on it in my presence. (lunch or spare) Once a unit has ended the ‘door closes’ to hand in assessments from that unit. Parents will be called/emailed All work must be done - an incomplete (0) will be awarded to a student who fails to complete major assignments
Supplies Binder with lots of paper! Pen, pencil, ruler, pencil crayons Textbook: will be supplied in class and are to be left here. If you do not finish an assignment in class take a picture of the pages needed with your cell phone.
Homework . . . I promise . . . Expect homework regularly….unless you use your class time wisely! Homework will be checked at regular intervals because a good set of notes will help you to be successful in the course and the exam! (you will be able to use your notes/assignments in your exam!) If the class is meeting homework expectations . . . I will try to promise . . . no homework on Fridays . . . It is up to you !. . .
Evaluation for the Course Term Work Daily assessments, assignments, quizzes, reflections, projects, etc. 75% Exam (prep for this throughout the semester- jot down Sustainable ideas on the back of your notebooks (hint) 25%
Behaviour Expectations It’s simple . . . Be nice . . . Have RESPECT, for you, for me and everyone in this room.
(If there is ‘work time’ you may listen to it quietly then) Cell Phones Must be turned off in the classroom during instruction time and put away to the “Cell Phone Rest Area” (candy ) out of respect for myself and those around you. (If there is ‘work time’ you may listen to it quietly then) Cell phones will be taken away if used at inappropriate times in class. First- until the end of the class Second- until the end of the day Third – To the office –administration/parents involved
Out the front doors to the front sidewalk by the KE School Sign Fire drill procedures Out the front doors to the front sidewalk by the KE School Sign **Expectation- all students are to STAY WITH ME until I finish attendance outside! Once I am finished, you may go chat with friends. (no smoking!)
Why we’re here . . . Required course To learn . . . skills, ideas, understanding of Canada and its place in the world, about the possibilities for travel, ideas for careers in the field of geography . . Gain skills for further study
Lastly, This is your class and credit. Your success in this course is entirely up to you, you make your own mark with whatever level of effort you put into the course. I am here to support and help guide you in being successful in this course Take responsibility for your learning
Best Wishes in Grade 10 Geography!
Why should I study Geo?