“Read and analyze…” Goals: Evaluate analysis of “Sanctuary” 9-17-15 “Read and analyze…” Goals: Evaluate analysis of “Sanctuary” Begin analysis of “What’s Eating”
What does Barry SAY & DO? HOW & WHY does she do it? HW: read & analyze “The Sanctuary of School” (pp 721-25) What does Barry SAY & DO? HOW & WHY does she do it? Writer Expertise Trustworthiness Purpose Strategies Reader Purpose for reading Relationship to subject & writer Subject How open to interpretation? Text Features (style, graphics, forum, etc) Context Historical context/background Constraints on writer/reader/text
Read your analysis aloud to a partner. HW: read & analyze “The Sanctuary of School” (pp 721-25) Read your analysis aloud to a partner. Identify what you did well, so you can do it again on the next assignment. Identify areas on which you need to improve.
Questions on how to analyze “Sanctuary”?
First glance: *21 paragraphs *two images *no major breaks *no subheadings *published in Smithsonian
Use remaining class time to read, annotate, discuss, and take notes on “What’s Eating” in preparation for writing an analysis of it. What does Pollan SAY? What does Pollan DO? HOW does he do it? strategies WHY does he do it? purpose context summary
For next time: Write your analysis of “What’s Eating America?” Bring your analysis and your textbook to class.