College Applications 101 Now that you have decided what kind of college you want… it’s time to see what colleges are looking for in applicants!
College admission officers created this list of top SIX factors they look at in applicants- Challenging schedule Test Scores Grades Letters of recommendation Extracurricular activities Application essays So, ask yourself the following questions-
Do I have a “Challenging schedule?” Again and again, admissions officers listed this as the #1 factor they look for in applicants. If a decision must be made between two applicants and one has a 4.0 taking on-level courses while the second has a B average but takes advanced courses, the admission officer is more likely to choose the second.
What can I do about it? Here at Cy-Springs, you can begin taking dual credit courses in your ___________ year. To earn college credit for an AP course, you must _____________________________. To be eligible for Horizons classes, you must have been identified as _____. To enroll in a K-level or AP class, you must have ______________. Sophomore pass the cumulative test at the end GT parental consent
How are my grades? Grades are incredibly important to colleges. Most colleges have a minimum GPA requirement. It is crucial to keep your grades up all year during your senior year. Colleges do have the right to revoke their admission to students with senioritis.
What can I do about it? Every semester weighs the same, so keep your grades up every semester of every year. Know what senioritis is and don’t catch it! ____________________________________________________________________________________ Calculate your GPA every semester and KNOW it. senioritis- a loss of interest in academics usually affecting spring semester seniors. Convert your semester averages into grade points and then average them together.
How are my test scores? The two standardized tests that colleges are interested in are the SAT and the ACT. The SAT tests mostly critical thinking skills and a PERFECT score is a 1600. The ACT is more content-based and a PERFECT score is a 36. Most colleges have a chart to evaluate your test scores and your class rank to determine eligibility. The best indicator of how you will perform on these tests is your performance on the PSAT and PLAN tests.
What can I do about it? Take the ____________________ in your sophomore year and analyze your score reports carefully. Read a wide __________ of books in a wide variety of ________. This is the easiest way to increase both your vocabulary and text comprehension. Practice, practice, practice. There are available texts, online tests, and _____________available for students to prepare for both tests. PSAT and PLAN tests variety genres workshops
How involved am I in extracurricular activities? Colleges like to see involvement in activities other than academics. Being involved in high school activities lets colleges know that a student will be more likely to be involved in their campus activities. It is better to have quality over quantity. A few good clubs is a better choice than belonging to many clubs. The best looking applications show involvement in a variety of clubs and activities and no specific emphasis in only one interest.
What can I do about it? Explore your interests ______. Clubs are a great way to get involved without committing yourself to a year-long class. Ask ______________about clubs. Upper classmen often can guide you to interesting opportunities. Keep________! Documentation will help you keep dates and times correct when applying to colleges. Be an active member of your chosen clubs. Helping to _________ events as a member shows initiative on applications. early other students records organize
How are my application essays? The essay portion of the application allows you to show your uniqueness. Counselors look for answers that are honest and provide supplemental information. They are not looking for a restatement of the information from your transcript.
What can I do about it? restate personal goals Do not ________ facts already given in your application. Remember to write from a ________ standpoint. This will highlight your uniqueness and individuality. Write about your desires, ______, or special events in your life.
Do I have appropriate letters of recommendation? Admissions officers rely on letters of recommendation to see how others see you. The best reference and recommendation letters come from adults who have know you a long time and can highlight specific qualities in their letter. Some colleges supply a form to be completed by references while others ask for letters.
What can I do about it? references time application essay addressed Choose potential ___________ wisely! Teachers, coaches, clergy, counselors, and employers are all good choices. Give him/her plenty of ______ to complete the form or write the letter. Allow him/her to see your transcript and your __________________ This will give more insight on you see yourself. Provide the form or letter request along with a stamped, ___________envelope.