Meeting the needs of Long Term English Learners: Research and District Responses Good morning Been preparing for years for this day without recognizing this is where I was heading…. For forty years in education a deepening understanding of how it happens that some groups, some communities are excluded from educational opportunity… for the past twenty years, focusing on English Learners and immigrants specifically – documenting school responses to new waves of immigrants, designing and piloting demontration projects to try to show that things can be different, that schools can be designed in ways that provide access… and in all my work with secondary schools throughout California the deepening realization that we are witnessing not just students who came with gaps that aren’t be closed, but that we we are witnessing children to whom harm has been done. And now, working in the past months of this new report on Long Term English Learners has been taking place side by side with my efforts in a preK-3 pilot for Spanish speaking immigrant children, and I have to say that there has been something in that combination that has broken my heart. Everyday now in our projects’ preschools and kindergarten classrooms I see children…… Laurie Olsen, Ph.D. Title III Accountability Institute December 2011
Lau v. Nichols, Supreme Court English Learners “There is no equality of treatment merely by providing students with the same facilities, textbooks, teachers and curriculum…for students who do not understand English are effectively foreclosed from any meaningful education…” Lau v. Nichols, Supreme Court As you know, English Learners are a class of students defined by civil rights law and court cases as a group who are foreclosed from equal educational access and opportunity because they don’t have the English skills needed to access curriculum in schools where there are not supports to help them access that curriculum and overcome the language barrier. Schools have an affirmative obligation to address those language barriers…. Now in the policy arena and in the field, the focus of doing that has been primarily on elementary schools. The research… program model development… curriculum… has been primarily elementary school with the notion that the issue would be solved for children who entered our schools in the primary grades by the time they get to secondary schools. Secondary school programs were seen as something needed for newly arrived immigrant children. 2
Academic standards, curriculum Research on EL Families, Community State & Federal Accountability Reforms Civil Rights Capacity Prof. development, teacher placement, credentialling, Politics Academic standards, curriculum
When we look closer at the EL in California schools, we see that one out of three are actually in secondary schools – and though some of these are newcomers, MOST have been in US schools since kindergarten. Many were born in the United States. The majority are students who have been in our schools for years and arrive in secondary school still without the English skills they need to access and participate fully in an English-taught curriculum.
The 1.5 Generation The 5 Plusers Long Term English Learner ESL Lifers III’s Forever Long Term English Learner The 1.5 Generation Protracted English Learners The 5 Plusers ESL Lifers Struggling Readers
Secondary EL Typologies Newly arrived with adequate schooling (including literacy in L1) Newly arrived with interrupted formal schooling - “Underschooled” - “SIFE” English Learners developing normatively (1-5 years) Long Term English Learners
Long Term English Learners are created…….. Long Term EL We know that LTELs are created -- across years of schooling. Though we’ve defined this, or backed into this as a high school issue, the need to understand how LTELs are created begins back in elementary…… by middle school there is a sense of something definite going on -- is it language? Are these kids it’s just somehow taking longer to progress? Is it a motivation or identity issue? By high school, we know it’s real….
GAP has increased. 2002-2010. Calif GAP has increased 2002-2010 Calif. Standards Test ELA % Proficient and above English Only: English Learners 33.4% gap -------------------------- 37.2% gap
Percent of LEAS meeting AMAOs Met AMAO 1 Met AMAO 2 2006 73 74 2007 82 77 2008 81 2009 78 63 2010 51 45
“There is no clear, easy reason revealed by data why students are remaining in the LEP category for 10+ years.” Colorado Department of Education 2009 “While districts were unanimous in voicing their concern for such students (“Long Term English Learners”), finding effective interventions to move these long term students along the proficiency continuum remains a challenge.” Council of Great City Schools, 2009
Californians Together Survey Data from 40 school districts Data on 175,734 English Learners in grades 6 - 12 This is 31% of California’s English Learners in grades 6 – 12 Wide variation in district context
Data collected on English Learners 6 - 12 # of years since date of entry Secondary ELs who enrolled in K/1 6+ by CELDT level 6+ by academic failure (Ds, Fs) Definition Placement
Across all districts 59% of secondary school ELs are long term (103,635 in sample)
Concentration of LTELs in districts vary
Definitions vary Nine of 40 have a formal definition Length of time (years) is part of every definition The number of years used in the definitions vary from 5 years to 7+ Six districts include “lack of progress” or evidence of academic failure along with the number of years
Legal framework English Learners cannot be permitted to incur irreparable academic deficits during the time they are mastering English School districts are obligated to address deficits as soon as possible, and to ensure that their schooling does not become a permanent deadend.
How long should it take? California’s NCLB AMAO #1 (5 years to reach “CELDT proficiency” Linguistic research (individual differences, but generally 5 - 7 years) Program effectiveness (5-7 years in a well-implemented program; 7-10 in weak program if at all)
A continuum of academic success…… Losing ground on measures of English proficiency and Academic Failure No progress on measures of English proficiency, academically struggling Very slow progress towards English Proficiency, doing okay (C’s) Doing well academically, but still not reclassified Reclassified but struggling
Definition: An English Learner in secondary schools who….. Has been enrolled in U.S. schools for more than 6 years (continuous enrollment) Is making inadequate progress in English language development Is struggling academically
Step #1: Know the extent and magnitude of the LTEL issue in your schools
El Monte school districts Commitment #2: Full Proficiency English Learners will develop within six years of continuous enrollment full receptive and productive proficiencies in English in the domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing – consistent with expectations for all students.
Annual Expectations for English Learners Years in US 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years CELDT BEG EI INT EA ADV CST ELA FBB + FBB+ BB+ Basic+ Prof+ CST Math Stand. Test in Spanish
Action Steps A formal definition Designated annual benchmark indicators/ expectations A data system that disaggregates achievement data by # of years in U.S. schools and by English proficiency levels Regular reviews of LTEL data to inform and trigger planning AND to trigger supports for students
Step #2: Investigate how English Learners became Long Term Of little children who are open to trying new things and proud of what they can do and I look at them and feel the shadow…. For they come to us Little knowing that this is the start of what could be a journey of years of struggling to master content they are expected to learn but not helped to learn…. They don’t paste their pictures and trace their letters expecting this is the start of year after year of academic difficulty and falling further and further behind……. Their mama’s, walking children to school, waiting at the gates to pick them up, do not suspect that they are handing their precious children to an institution that could be leading them to academic failure and inadequate English….. Step #2: Investigate how English Learners became Long Term
District and site inquiries (2004-2011) Student interviews retrieving schooling histories Studies of cumulative records Interviews and focus groups with teachers Student voice on the experience of being LTEL Surveys Small research literature
Schooling History: weak or no language support Three out of four spent two or more years with “no services” or mainstream Weaker “EL Program” models
Comparison between EL groups over time
NYC Study (Menken/Kleyn 2010) “Subtractive schooling” Vast majority receive English-only instruction resulting in limited or no literacy skills in L1 OR Weak forms of bilingual education (early exit, transitional) resulting in limited oral and/or written proficiency in L1 L1 skills are weakened over time and eventually replaced with English Students report programs emphasized English reading and writing (even the bilingual programs)
Trends in California schools 2000-2010 Large increase of students in mainstream placement (no services) Large reduction in primary language instruction (from 12% to 5%) Approximately one in ten with ELD only The majority in Structured English Immersion/ ELD plus SDAIE – large increase (from 35% to 55%)
Other contributing factors Inconsistent program placement (“ping-pong”) Inconsistent implementation of programs Narrowed curriculum with partial access Social segregation and linguistic isolation Transnational moves – transnational schooling
Transnational inconsistent schooling !2 of 29 students attended school outside the U.S. in a language other than English for a few months and up to 8 years altogether International moves often occur repeatedly creating a cycle of adjustment and readjustment (and new decisions about placement and program) The schooling outside U.S. tended to be for short durations and inconsistent and did not result in L1 literacy
Step #3: Understand the needs and characteristics of “Long Term English Learners”
They have distinct language issues High functioning in social situations in both languages – but limited vocabulary in both Can sound like non-LTELs Prefer English – are increasingly weak in their home language Weak academic language – with gaps in reading and writing skills Are stuck in progressing towards English proficiency
Down the rabbit hole……. “Good working knowledge of English” Reasonable fluency in English CELDT Proficient Advanced level on CELDT Basic on CST - ELA Proficient on CST in ELA Reclassification as Fluent English Proficient
Orally Proficient but not Academically Proficient Percent English Learners attaining these benchmarks statewide
Language use and preferences Majority use both languages equally in conversation - context is the factor in choice Students overwhelmingly favor and report being more comfortable reading and writing in English
Academic Performance Several grade levels below actual grade level in both English and L1 Cumulative high school GPA is very low (D+ average) More than one in five have F averages Grade retention frequent Gaps in academic background
Behavioral profiles Learned passivity and non-engagement Tend not to complete homework Not readers Typically desire to go to college Do not know they are doing poorly academically – think they are English fluent
Action Steps….. Be sure there is understanding about what constitutes sufficient English proficiency for academic access – clarify the terms Analyze grades, English proficiency levels and growth/stagnation/loss – where are they stuck? Shadow – check for engagement and participation
Step # 4: Check how LTELs are currently being served in secondary school
Typical program placements for English Learners SDAIE Intensive or strategic interventions! Still English Learner, but in Mainstream 1 – 3 years _______________________________________________________________________ No English Oral, social English CELDT Proficient Proficient for Academic work CST Basic I II III IV V
From the Californians Together survey 3 of 4 districts have no approach to serving Long Term English Learners Majority of CA districts place their Long Term English Learners into mainstream Three CA districts place Long Term English Learners by English proficiency level with other English Learners (in NYC, this is the common placement)
Placements NOT designed for them….. Placed/kept in classes with newcomer and normatively developing English Learners – by English proficiency level Unprepared teachers No electives – and limited access to the full curriculum Over-assigned and inadequately served in intervention and reading support classes
On the issue of interventions CAL (“Double the Work”) - reading interventions designed for native speakers aren’t appropriate for ELLs National Literacy Panel - good literacy and reading interventions work for both ELL and proficient students - but they work BETTER for English proficient students (gap grows) and do not address some key needs of LTELs From the 1.5 generation research on college students, and linguistics research - appears that WRITING may be a more powerful emphasis than READING strategies for LTELs
Things to ask……. Where are they placed for English? ELD? Where are they placed for academic content? What interventions and support classes do they receive? Are they getting access to electives? Are they in college preparatory courses? Are any of those placements designed for LTELs? Do they have appropriate support for EL success?
Step #5: Know the research and undo misconceptions that lead to harmful practices
Academic standards, curriculum Research on EL Youth Development Families, Community Civil Rights State & Federal Accountability Reforms Capacity Prof. development, teacher placement, credentialling, Politics Academic standards, curriculum
Common belief system Sooner and more fully immersed in English, the better Good teaching and standards-based curriculum work for all students and are sufficient for ELLs English is the most important subject for ELLs – the more hours, the better Home language holds students back
New generation of research National Literacy Panel on Language Minority Children and Youth California Department of Education: Research-based Practices for English Language Learners (commissioned papers)
Basic foundations to KNOW Continue to need ELD and support until reach proficiency (normatively 5 -7 years) A strong foundation in L1 is foundation for L2. Skills transfer. Continued development of L1 in school along with English strengthens English proficiency and promotes long term academic success Language development is more than literacy development – a focus on literacy alone is not sufficient for English Learners
“Academic language” is different from social language and takes longer to develop Oral language is the foundation for literacy and is a crucial part of a strong language program for English Learners Academic language develops in the context of learning academic subjects. A strong EL program infuses intentional language development throughout the entire curriculum. There are social, economic and cognitive benefits to mastery of two or more languages – particularly in this 21st century.
Step 6: Design programs to meet LTEL needs
Basic Principles! Focus upon distinct needs Language development is more than literacy development – LTELs need both Language development + Academic gaps Crucial role of home language Invite, support, insist that LTELs become active participants in their own education
Maximum integration without sacrificing access Rigor, relevance, active engagement and empowering pedagogy Relationships matter An affirming, inclusive environment Urgency! Mention SOB as part of affirming, inclusive environment
Instruction matters….. Differentiation Checks for understanding Accountability Active student engagement Standards-based Maximum language development structures and practices
Secondary school components Specialized ELD – separate from other ELs Clustered in heterogeneous classes for content Explicit language/literacy development across the curriculum –& SDAIE strategies for access Focus on study skills, critical thinking If interventions/supports – designed for LTELs Data chats, preparation, accommodations Programs, activities, student leadership to create an affirming school climate Native speakers classes (through AP)
Comparison between EL groups over time
Seems to be power in SNS that is both Spanish literacy AND enhances English skills Explicitly links transferability of cognitive skills, cognitive and vocabulary development, academic language, writing structures, rigorous writing assessment Is aligned to state English language arts standards Solid preparation for AP language and AP literature Focused on high level of oral, reading and writing skills - while enhancing English skills Includes cultural focus and empowering pedagogy Often students with low levels of both target language and English have become discouraged, frustrated learners Foreign language teachers seldom have skills to teach to native speakers Place speakers of a language into foreign language classes - different needs from non-native speakers No set curriculum (not articulated) Sequence doesn’t extend to advanced levels Lack of professional training for teachers
Case Examples Ventura Unified School District Modesto City Schools Anaheim Union High School District El Monte School Districts
Ventura’s District Action Plan Title III Improvement Plan “Operation Prevent LTELs” ELL courses revised ELD course sequence rewritten ELD4 and SDAIE are UC/CSU accepted Clear placement criteria for all courses Two periods of instruction for ELD Appropriate curriculum and technology Pacing guides and assessment routines Common sequence of language functions for ELD K-5
Investment in Intensive professional development PLCs across academic content areas LTEL student fishbowls Bilingual Opportunities Pathway Program Multilingual Recognition Awards Student Pep Talks Administrative and leadership structures to keep issue on table and to maintain accountability
Ventura Unified School District Results so far…. Substantial increase in reclassification rates at pilot high schools (from 14% to 20.9% - compared to district average 9.1% - 9.5%) Improved growth on CELDT (from 44.9% moving 1 level to 60.9%; from 22.2% achieving proficiency to 26.8%)
Increase in LTEL scoring “Proficient” 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 Language Arts Math Pilot School A 8.7% 17.4% 25% 32.7% Pilot School B 11.3% 33.3% 17.5%
Modesto City Schools K-8 and 9-12 Districts Title I and Title III Program Improvement Status Year 5 Established a Working Group (representative) One year to “study” and develop recommendations Investment in implementing plan Demographic Data and Statistics: Explain the breakdown in the next 2 slides of who we are in Modesto City Schools.
Who are our English Learners? # Years in US School 2008 - 2009 Grades 7-12 Language Institute Tier I Tier II 1 2 (92) 3% Tier III Tier IV 3 4 (178) 7% 5+ Program 5 Or more (2,344) 90% On our journey, we discovered that all Els are not the same. Some students have only just arrived in the United States from Iraq or India or Mexico or any number of other countries. Others were born here but were raised in primarily L1-speaking homes. Others still may have had interrupted schooling and have not been in any school for a number of years. The breakdown of MCS’ ELs is the following: only 3% have been here 2 years or less, only 7% have been here less than 4 years. The newest students to our system are not the biggest group of ELs. The largest group of our English learning students are the students who have been in US Schools for 5 or more years. In the 7-12 arena for MCS, that equates to over 2,000 students. The tier system roughly equates to the length of time a student has been in US schools. We created this system in order to better understand what each specific group’s needs were and to create a more effective instructional program for them.
5+ Program 9th Grade OR Period Course 1 ELA READ 180 2 ALD 3 Spanish for Spanish Speakers 4 Math 5 Earth Science 6 PE 7 Elective (A-G) : Visual Performing Arts, Support, or AVID NOTE: World Religions/Health classes in summer school or senior year. Computers in any four years, summer school, or test out OR The same instructional day would occur for freshmen at the high school level. The implementation plan only includes 7th, 8th, and 9th grade for the 2009-10 school year so the plan may be executed successfully and the appropriate staff development and coaching may occur for the teaching staff. While there are certain usual required courses for freshmen, such as the World religions, geography and health class and the Computers class, these may be postponed, taken in summer school or proficiency tested. The high school path will meet all college entrance requirements for the state of California.
Differentiated placement in 9th gr. 2 period block of Read 180, using L book by Kate Kinsella (accepted as ELD) with a bilingual paraprofessional (for students who are really intensive and struggling at all levels academically) – for Freshman year only High end of Below Basic/low Basic ELA + ALD Advanced or Proficient on ELA-CST opt out of ALD and are monitored
Anaheim Union High School District
Literacy and language across curriculum Biliteracy as a 21st century skill: Spanish for Native Speakers, Seal of Biliteracy, expansion of Dual Language program Commitment to a broad, full 21st century curriculum (decrease placements in support classes, CAHSEE prep classes, etc.; no more double blocking; institute 2 science/social studies at junior h.s.; build career technical education – industry pathways)
LTEL/EL Support ELD 4 Language Support high school; English language mainstream language support middle school; courses designed for LTELs
In two years…. “Takes a 3-5 year commitment” API has gone up 31 points Reclassification has increased Higher English Learner 10th grade CAHSEE passage rates
El Monte districts 2 elementary districts + 1 high school district “Expectations” and commitment in common Summer programs – thematic instruction, science and social studies based, intensive language development Mentoring Investment in professional development for content area teachers New ELD/ALD courses and materials
Action Steps Fact finding District EL Master Plan describes research-based program models for different typologies of EL students (or site) Specific LTEL program and placements Support development of new courses Provide materials and professional development – as high priority for use of resources System of monitoring placements Mechanisms to change status of L1 and promote biliteracy
Prevent LTELs - Quick review Need for program consistency in placement Need for well-articulated programs Need for English Learner services (incl. ELD) Importance of developing L1 along with English Need to assure access to academic content while learning English so no gaps develop Need a full curriculum Need to monitor and identify students lagging behind – triggering support
Prevent LTELs Early foundation of rich language development (PreK-3) in English and the home language (where possible) Alignment, articulation and transition between PreK and elementary grades Full curriculum – with language development across all content areas Focus on engagement and high level oral language development Shared assessments Parent/Family Engagement
Respond to “systems” issues: Data systems that can’t identify and monitor progress Unprepared teachers Lack of appropriate curriculum and materials Misunderstanding and lack of knowledge of the research Lack of clarity about what constitutes “English Proficiency” Contradictory or misaligned messages across the “system”
Proactive District Policies and Support A definition and system for monitoring Designated annual benchmark expectations by number of years and English proficiency Inquiry Research based programs –including specific responses for LTELs Disaggregate data Target professional development for teachers Create needed courses Student and parent information
California State level recommendations A standard state definition State collection of data to identify, monitor and plan Real ELD materials! Research-based, consistent messages as the foundation for accountability Professional development priority Ensure full access
Leadership and Advocacy Step #8: Leadership and Advocacy So these children and the 1.5 million other English Learners and the 1….. Other Latinos in the state of California get the education they deserve, and have the fair opportunity to pursue their dreams.
English Learners cannot, in the words of the court, “be permitted to incur irreparable academic deficits” during the time they are mastering English…. We must ensure that their schooling does not become “a permanent deadend.”
Laurie Olsen