Awesome Terrible Solemn Beautiful
I. The Holiness of God First use of holy Descriptive of the Lord In triplicate Basic meaning of ‘holy’ Use in Leviticus and Exodus Priest’s crown Summary
II. The Holiness of God & The Holiness of Man The link 1 Peter 1:13-16 Gird Be sober Rest Not conform Be holy Challenge for us in worship How do we get there???
III. The Holiness of Man What is your part in becoming holy? We have help. Seven things we need to do. Clean ourselves Put on the new self Present ourselves Respond correctly to Pursue peace Live consistent with Glorify God
IF One Word Described You, What Would It Be??? … Holy IF One Word Described You, What Would It Be??? Should Be The Goal of Every Christian Worthy Pursuit Set As Your Goal, Do Your Part