The Institute of Cost Accountants of India Navi Mumbai Chapter K. B. Patil College Premises, Sec 15A, Vashi 400 703 Ph. 022-27663013 E-mail : Website : 4 CEP Hours No Fees celebrates 10th Anniversary Topics IBC 2016, Game Changer- Corporate & Professionals by CMA Laxman D. Pawar GST – Recent changes by CMA Amit Sarker Impact of upcoming & latest standards on Ind AS 109, 115, 116 by CMA Rammohan Bhave Venue Navi Mumbai Sports Association, Sector 1A, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 400703 Date Sunday, the 21st October 2018 Time From 09.00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. Entry to the programme is free for all the qualified CMAs Prior Registration required. Registration on First come, First served basis. Please write to : with your name, membership no., phone no., and e-mail ID CMA Vivek Bhalerao CMA L. Prakash CMA Vaidyanathan Iyer Chairman – PD Committee Chairman Secretary The Institute of Cost Accountants of India Navi Mumbai Chapter
Speakers CMA Laxman Pawar is Chairman of WIRC of The Institute of Cost Accountants of India. He is a qualified Insolvency Professional. He has held many lectures on Insolvency law. He is an authority on the topic of Insolvency law. CMA Amit Sarker is a Director in the indirect tax practice of Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP. Amit has assisted clients across multiple sectors during GST implementation. Amit is an active member in the professional circle and have addressed in various professional forums. He also has to his credit numerous articles on topical issues on indirect taxes which have featured in leading tax portals, columns and business dailies CMA Rammohan Bhave is triple qualified. His qualifications are CA, CMA, CS, LL.B., IFRS. He is a Faculty & Consultant in IFRS/Ind AS and Valuation for last 8 years. He has authored IFRS book published by CNBC TV18. To his credit are more than 100 AS/IFRS implementations. He has delivered more than 1600 lectures. He is a Limca Book record holder.
Programme Time Programme 9.00 AM to 9.30 AM Registration Inaugural Session Lighting of lamp Speeches of Dignitories Felicitation of past committee members, teachers, and students 11.00 AM to 11.15 AM TEA BREAK 11.15 AM to 01.00 PM Technical Session 1 by CMA Laxman D. Pawar IBC 2016, Game Changer- Corporate & Professionals 01.00 PM TO 1.45 PM LUNCH BREAK 01.45 PM to 02.15 PM Presentation by the students 02.15 PM TO 03.45 PM Technical Session 2 by CMA Amit Sarker GST – Recent changes 3.45 PM TO 4.00 PM 04.00 PM to 04.55 PM Technical Session 3 by CMA Rammohan Bhave Impact of upcoming & latest standards on Ind AS 109, 115, 116 4.55 PM to 05.00 PM Vote of Thanks