The Process of Negotiation
Negotiation is not a transaction If you want to negotiate, you must necessarily go through a process to follow. There cannot be a time limit nor can there be a procedure
Negotiating Phrases “I know that you are busy, but the boss would like it if…….” “There were a few problems last time, so I thought we could do this……” “This worked well the last time we tried it and the situation was very similar…” Think about what to do, but I will need to know about it by the end of the day” “I would only ask a friend…..” “If we authorize it now, we get a good discount” “ I know that you are pretty strong on this subject…..” “As long as its on time, you do it whichever way you prefer” “If you did this part, I could get it finished fairly quickly”
Every negotiation is different The past has no future
What are the things to look for in the process? Where is the location? Where is the venue? What time of day or night? What information is available? What is the seating arrangement? How much expertise is available with the negotiator? What is the admin support you have?
Stages of Negotiating Preparation Scene setting Stating goals Exchanging information – facts, responses, feelings to ascertain needs and desires Exploring conflict and compromises Offers and compromises Agreements Administration
ZOPA This is the zone of possible agreement. It would fall somewhere between the respective BATANAs of the negotiators
Focus of Negotiators Structure/facts Analysis Focus Results focus Assertive Unassertive Involvement focus Stability focus Variety/emotions
Characteristics Structure/ facts Results/focus Analysis Focus Quick decisions Active Hardheaded Structured Dislikes wasting time In control Little small talk Analysis Focus Slow decisions Remuneration Gadgets Detail, information Principles Likes calm atmosphere Dislikes ‘give and take’ Rigid Unassertive Assertive Involvement focus Quick decisions Experiments Enjoys influencing Shared enthusiasm Friendly informal Gut feel Dislikes detail Stability focus Relaxed atmosphere Dislikes pressure Relationships Barriers Slow to trust Habits and routine Not keen to change Variety /emotions
Vary the style with the person Structure/facts Analysis Focus Be detailed Give reasons Allow time Results Focus Be concise Use key points Be positive, not aggressive Be businesslike Unassertive Assertive Involvement Focus Be enthusiastic Be informal Present the facts clearly Be interesting Appeal to imagination Stability Focus Develop trust Present a clear case Go slowly Variety/ emotions
Negotiating Weaknesses Structure/facts Analysis Focus Can be inflexible Dislikes give and take Detached Results Focus Impatient Domineering Introduces threats Rigid Win-lose Unassertive Assertive Involvement Focus Convictions override facts Can be insensitive; ignores other’s views Can be stubborn Stability Focus Gives in Too easily influenced Slow to accept change Variety/emotions
Common Negotiating Mistakes Inadequate preparation Not looking for a win-win result Not listening Pulling rank or browbeating Scoring points for personal satisfaction Being aggressive Arguing Ignoring conflict Impatience Failing to end on a personal note