Welcome to 2nd Grade BEHAVIOR Schedule Contact US @ (540) 946-7635 8:00-8:30 Announcements/Lunch Choices/Planners/Morning Math/Bathroom/Attendance 8:30-10:30 Daily 5 (Reading, grammar, writing, word study) 10:00-10:10 Snack 10:30- 10:45 Daily Math Review 10:45-11:30 Specials 11:30-11:40 Bathroom/Transition 11:40-12:15 Lunch 12:15-12:45 Recess 12:45-2:15 Math 2:15-2:55 Content Science/Social Studies 2:55-3:00 Pack- up/ Dismissal/Announcements (540) 946-7635 Welcome to 2nd Grade tmorris@augusta.k12.va.us tgarber@augusta.k12.va.us wsailer@augusta.k12.va.us herron.k@augusta.k12.va.us dsprouse@augusta.k12.va.us mawyer@augusta.k12.va.us BEHAVIOR Reinforce positive behavior Cassell Keys Rewards: Passes, Grade Level activities, and much more I do my best to improve your child’s behavior, however, think times and office referrals will be given if behavior does not improve. on lips.n. Wendy Sailer Tonya Garber Tish Morris Kelly Herron Debbie Sprouse Mary Mawyer *This is a general 2nd grade schedule. Please check with your child’s teacher for specific lunch, etc times. All Volunteers and Chaperones must fill out form before volunteering or going on field trips.
If parents need to see/speak with teacher, Math ATTENDANCE IS VERY IMPORTANT Please make sure your child is here for the entire school day 8:00-3:00 Basic number operations Double digit +/- Money Time Graphing Geometry/patterns Measurements Fractions Binders/Planners Daily assignments Upcoming events Special Items Parent needs to sign the planner every night A place where teacher and parent can communicate (at the bottom of each page) FOLDERS Will come home each day And be kept with binder Place any notes needed for teacher in folder Contains: Student’s work , Information from office, Friday Newsletter PLEASE check folder each night Return any homework or important items/correspondence in folder SNACK Bring every day Do not allow juice boxes or soda drinks Students are allowed to bring water bottles each day to keep at their desk First Bell 8:00 Due to safety reasons students will not be allowed in classrooms before the 8:00 bell Tardy Bell 8:15 If parents need to see/speak with teacher, please report to office and have office staff call to room and set up an appointment Dismissal Bell 3:00 Please limit early dismissals as we instruct until 3:00. We would not want your child to miss out on any of our fun educational learning experiences Science Living systems Life cycles Weather Magnets Matter Plants Animals Natural resources Social Studies Native Americans Ancient China Ancient Egypt Famous Americans Communities and Maps Citizenship and Government Economics Daily 5 Daily 5 is a way of structuring the reading block so every student is independently engaged in meaningful literacy The Daily 5 includes: Read-to-Self Read-to-Someone Listen-to-Reading Writing/Grammar Word Work 2