DIA Scavenger Hunt Group Member #1 __________________________
Ancient Mesopotamia
1. Cuneiform
2. Warrior Society
3. Money Economy
4. Gates of Ishtar
5. Polytheism
6. Bronze Age
Ancient Egypt
7. Hieroglyphics
8. Human Mummy
9. Mummification Tools
10. Egyptian Afterlife
11. Book of the Dead
12. Veneration of Animals
14. Poltheisim
14. Role of the Pharoah
Ancient India
15. Vishnu
16. Brahma
17. Another Hindu God
18. Warrior Society
19. Mahabharata
20. Cultural Diffusion
Ancient China
21. Calligraphy
22. Chinese Geography
23. The Teachings of Confucius
24. Daoism
25. Chinese Buddhism
26. Chinese Exports
Ancient Greece
27. Fresco
28. Archaic Period
29. Hellenic Architecture
30. Hellenistic Art
31. Greek Admiration of the Male Human Body
32. Painting of Greek Mythology
33. Sculpture of Greek Mythology
34. Trojan War Armor
Ancient Rome
35. Mosaic
36. First Roman Emperor
37. A Notoriously Bad Roman Emperor
38. Leader of the Roman Republic
39. Rome’s Military Greatness
40. The Punic Wars
41. Painting of Roman Mythology
42. Sculpture of Roman Mythology
43. Greco-Roman Architecture
Medieval Western Europe
44. Gothic Architecture
45. Wealth and Power of the Catholic Church
46. Saints of the Catholic Church
47. The Veneration of Mary
48. Illumination
49. Armor of Medieval Knights
50. A Knight Honored in Death