Middle Ear
Acoustic energy 99.9% Net loss = 40-55 dB
TM >>> Oval window Impedance Matching TM >>> Oval window P1 P2 A1 A2 Areal Ratio F=P1A1=P2A2 therefore P2/P1=A1/A2
Impedance Matching Areal Ratio F=P1A1=P2A2 therefore P2/P1=A1/A2 Malleus > Incus Lever Ratio L1/F1=F2/L2
Impedance Matching Areal Ratio F=P1A1=P2A2 therefore P2/P1=A1/A2 Buckling Action Lever Ratio L1/F1=F2/L2
Resonance frequency affects intensity during sound transmission Acoustic Impedance Resonance frequency affects intensity during sound transmission
Also criticial in the cochlea Acoustic Impedance Also criticial in the cochlea STIFFNESS Limits Low frequency Limits High frequency MASS
Volume of middle ear space Transfer Functions Volume of middle ear space Mass of ossicles
Transfer Functions