LONDON NEW SOUTHGATE SUMMARY MAP & INFO LINK Commuters pass the sites heading to locations such as Brent Cross, Wood Green and Enfield, all of which are known for their retail and entertainment environments. Due to the high volumes of traffic converging on this junction, commuters will experience prolonged dwell time. The London New Southgate site is visible on an extremely busy traffic light controlled cross roads with more than LONDON NEW SOUTHGATE SUMMARY IMPACTS* 1,561,932 FORMAT Mega 6 Portrait SIZE 1 x 7.5 (h) x 5m (w) (37.5m2) LOOP LENGTH 6 x 10 seconds NETWORK School Run ROUTE ID 1235473561 *ROUTE 2016: Per fortnight, 100% sov
LONDON NEW SOUTHGATE FAST FACTS AUDIENCE INSIGHTS M F Ab Abc1 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+ 60% 40% 26% 57% 16% 20% 21% 23% ACORN GROUP PROFILES Career Climbers Index 240 vs UK Average City Sophisticates Index 129 vs UK Average Successful Suburbs Index 151 vs UK Average FAST FACTS All 4 entrances to junction are traffic light controlled, boasting increased dwell time Major route to 3 popular entertainer and retailer zones. Visible by 11 lanes of traffic. Email: | Call: +44 (0)20 3405 5754