Science 9:Unit A Biological Diversity Lesson DNA


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Presentation transcript:

Science 9:Unit A Biological Diversity Lesson 1-12 - DNA "The Blueprint of Life"

DNA stands for... DeoxyriboNucleic Acid

DNA FACTS established by James Watson and Francis Crick   Shape of a double helix

codes for your genes  (traits) made of repeating subunits called nucleotides

What is a nucleotide? Has three parts: PHOSPHATE DEOXYRIBOSE (sugar) BASE (A,T,G,C)

Base-Pair Rule Adenine <==> Thymine Guanine <==> Cytosine The sides of the DNA ladder are phosphate & sugar held together by  hydrogen bonds

Base Pair Rule One side: A T A T C A T G C G G G Other side:


How the Code Works The combination of A,T,G,C determines what traits you might have..... C A T C A T = purple hair T A C T A C = yellow hair

Think of the bases of DNA like letters. Letters form words Think of the bases of DNA like letters. Letters form words....(amino acids) Words form sentences.... (genes)                 *endless                combinations

Let's Review What We Know About DNA 1. DNA stands for: De _____ ribo ______ acid 2. What is the shape of DNA? _______________ 3. Who established the structure of DNA? ____________ 4. Adenine always pairs with _______________ 5. The sides of the DNA ladder are deoxyribose and _____ 6. Guanine always pairs with _____________ 7. What is the complimentary sequence: A A T G C A 8. The two sides of DNA are held together by _______ bonds. 9. DNA is composed of repeating subunits called ______________________ 10. What are the 4 bases that make up the rungs of the DNA ladder? _______________________________________