2011 OPEN ENROLLMENT October 31 – November 30 Employees will be allowed to enroll, switch or terminate coverage’ All dependents up to age 26 are eligible and the restriction of even “if they are eligible for another employer sponsored plan has been eliminated”. This is new policy change in effective 01/01/2012. Same Sex Domestic Partners are new eligible dependents effective 01/01/2012, and can be added during Open Enrollment this year
2011 OPEN ENROLLMENT BLACKOUT PERIOD Blackout Period will be pay periods 25/11 – 01/12 During these pay periods there will be NO eligibility files sent to the Health Plan Providers All new enrollments, terminations and updates will need to be sent HDQTRS during this period Aetna changes send to Sonja Williams HMO changes sent to Mary Ann Skinner
2011 OPEN ENROLLMENT BLACKOUT PERIOD Failure to send this information could result in: Employee not having coverage New dependents not being added Terminations not being processed Blackout period Ends pp 02/12
2011 OPEN ENROLLMENT KEYING INSTRUCTIONS The effective date of all terminations will be 12/31/2011 The effective date of all new enrollments or updates to current plan will be 01/01/2012 If the employee is changing plans you MUST terminate the prior plan, then add a row for the new enrollment MAJOR ISSUE – The election date must also be changed to 01/01/2012. Last year we had numerous file problems because this field had the wrong date.