Protist Foldable Information
Amoeba Reproduces through binary fission They split in half – creates an exact copy of itself. Moves by stretching its cytoplasm into finger like extensions. Called pseudopods Cell membrane is very flexible allowing the amoeba to change shapes easily Eats by “catching” or “trapping” its food by surrounding it with pseudopods Eats algae, bacteria, plant cells, microscopic protoza
Paramecium Paramecium are able to move because it is covered with tiny hair like structures called cilia Cilia also help the paramecium catch its food and direct it into its tiny mouth like opening called the oral groove Eats tiny algea, plants Anal pore gets rid of waste Has two nuclei – one big and one small Big nuclei operates as the director of the cell Small nuclei is used only for reproduction Reproduces with binary fission Splits in half – creates an exact copy of itself.
Euglena Has characteristics that are both plant like and animal like. Euglena does not have a cell wall, like all other plant cells. Euglena does have chloroplast which allows the protist to carry out photosynthesis If there is no light the euglena can also catch food using its flagellum Euglena is able to move with the help of help of its flagellum A long whip like tail Has an eyespot, this allows the protist to detect light.
Volvox Lives in spherical colonies – called “parents” Composed of thousands of cells – each are interconnect and arranged to form a hollow sphere. Each individual cell has a flagellum, which allows the entire colony move Eventually the “parent” burst and the daughter colonies spread out to form new colonies. Can absorb food through the surface or produce food through the process of photosynthesis
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