Potton Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire 727 responses
Q1: What type of housing are you in now? tick all that apply Answered: 718 Skipped: 9 Owned Shared Ownership Affordable Rental / Housing Association Private Rental Bungalow (single floor only) Flat / Studio Apartment House 1 – 2 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms 4+ Bedrooms Warden assisted retirement housing Eco-friendly housing Other
Q2: Does any member of your household want or need to move out of the property? Tick one box Answered: 686 Skipped: 41 Yes A member of the household currently wants or needs to move out No But a member of the household may want or need to move out before 2035 It is unlikely that any member of the household will want or need to move out before 2035
Affordable Rental / Housing Association Private Rental Q3: What type of housing might your household require in the future? tick all that apply Answered: 636 Skipped: 91 Owned Shared Ownership Affordable Rental / Housing Association Private Rental Bungalow (single floor only) Flat / Studio Apartment House 1 – 2 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms 4+ Bedrooms Warden assisted retirement housing Eco-friendly housing Other
Q4: Could you adapt your current home to meet your future needs Q4: Could you adapt your current home to meet your future needs? Tick one box only. Answered: 687 Skipped: 40
Q5: It is inevitable that Potton will have to accept some growth over the period of the Neighbourhood Plan which will include a number of new-build houses. At the beginning of 2017 there were approximately 2275 dwellings in Potton. How many additional houses would be acceptable to you up to 2035? Tick one box only. Answered: 694 Skipped: 33
Q6: Once there is an agreed number of new houses to be built in Potton, how quickly should these be built? Tick one box only. Answered: 691 Skipped: 36 As quickly as possible Even rate of build throughout the Plan Delayed as long as possible to the end of the Plan No strong opinion
Q7: Is any member of your household currently on the housing register (i.e. the waiting list for socially rented housing) Answered: 704 Skipped: 23
Q8: If the answer to Q7 is 'YES' please advise how many years on the list? Tick one box. Answered: 12 Skipped: 715
Q9: What type of developments do you think would be most appropriate for Potton? Answered: 702 Skipped: 25 Single dwellings Small groups of less than 10 houses Carefully designed larger groups of 11-100 houses Conversion of redundant buildings Large site expansion on the edge of the town Infilling (houses built in between existing houses)
Q10: When the homes are built, where do you think they should be situated? Answered: 698 Skipped: 29
‘E’ Land to the West of Biggleswade Road. Q11: Referring to the map in the printed copy of the questionnaire (delivered to your household),. Please advise your opinion on the other indicated sites if they were to be put forward for development. Tick one box on each Q11: Referring to the map in the printed copy of the questionnaire (delivered to your household),. Please advise your opinion on the other indicated sites if they were to be put forward for development. Tick one box on each Q11: Referring to the map in the printed copy of the questionnaire (delivered to your household),. Please advise your opinion on the other indicated sites if they were to be put forward for development. Tick one box on each Answered: 694 Skipped: 33 Answered: 694 Skipped: 33 ‘E’ Land to the West of Biggleswade Road. 85 houses. Application submitted ‘F’ Land surrounding Cemetery ‘G’ Land to the North of Sandy Road 186 houses. Application submitted ‘H’ Land to the North of Old Bedford Road ‘I’ Land to the South of Everton Road ‘J’ Jays Farm. 90 houses ‘K’ Land to the North of Myers Road. 53 houses ‘L’ Land next to Henry Smith Playing Fields. 27 houses ‘M’ Land to the North of Bury Hill ‘N’ Land between Bury Hill and Pegnut Wood. ‘E’ Land to the West of Biggleswade Road. 85 houses. Application submitted ‘F’ Land surrounding Cemetery ‘G’ Land to the North of Sandy Road 186 houses. Application submitted ‘H’ Land to the North of Old Bedford Road ‘I’ Land to the South of Everton Road ‘J’ Jays Farm. 90 houses ‘K’ Land to the North of Myers Road. 53 houses ‘L’ Land next to Henry Smith Playing Fields. 27 houses ‘M’ Land to the North of Bury Hill ‘N’ Land between Bury Hill and Pegnut Wood. ‘E’ Land to the West of Biggleswade Road. 85 houses. Application submitted ‘F’ Land surrounding Cemetery ‘G’ Land to the North of Sandy Road 186 houses. Application submitted ‘H’ Land to the North of Old Bedford Road ‘I’ Land to the South of Everton Road ‘J’ Jays Farm. 90 houses ‘K’ Land to the North of Myers Road. 53 houses ‘L’ Land next to Henry Smith Playing Fields. 27 houses ‘M’ Land to the North of Bury Hill ‘N’ Land between Bury Hill and Pegnut Wood. ‘E’ Land to the West of Biggleswade Road. 85 houses. Application submitted ‘F’ Land surrounding Cemetery ‘G’ Land to the North of Sandy Road 186 houses. Application submitted ‘H’ Land to the North of Old Bedford Road ‘I’ Land to the South of Everton Road ‘J’ Jays Farm. 90 houses ‘K’ Land to the North of Myers Road. 53 houses ‘L’ Land next to Henry Smith Playing Fields. 27 houses ‘M’ Land to the North of Bury Hill ‘N’ Land between Bury Hill and Pegnut Wood.
Q12: When new homes have to be built, which type do you think would be most suitable? Tick each line Answered: 695 Skipped: 32 Affordable housing - shared ownership – rental through housing association Lifetime Homes Retirement/sheltered homes Bungalows (single floor only) Smaller houses (1/2 bed) Standard houses (3 bed) Larger houses ( 4+ beds) Flats/Apartments/Maisonettes
Q13: If you commute to work by train which station do you mostly use Q13: If you commute to work by train which station do you mostly use? Tick one box Answered: 638 Skipped: 89
Q14: If there were a suitable bus service that was designed to coincide with train departures and arrivals, would you consider travelling by bus to the station? Answered: 512 Skipped: 215
Q15: If you answered 'No' to 'Q 14' above, which of the following is the closest to the reason for your answer? Tick one box. Answered: 164 Skipped: 563
Q16: Should the Neighbourhood Plan identify potential land for business use? Tick all that apply Answered: 692 Skipped: 35 Factory / manufacturing units Light industrial units Food outlets and restaurants Offices Shops and retail Starter units Tourism businesses (hotels, camping etc) Health services (doctors, dentists, pharmacists etc) Fitness Sport None of the above No opinion / don’t know Other
Q17: Should the Neighbourhood Plan identify potential land for the creation of a business centre providing low cost, flexible workspaces, meeting rooms and managed services for local start ups, small businesses, freelancers and home workers? Tick one box. Answered: 679 Skipped: 48
Q18: Do you run a business and / or work from home? Answered: 677 Skipped: 50
Q19: If there were a business centre, would you use it? Answered: 569 Skipped: 158
Q20: Would your business benefit from the availability of small business / industrial units? Answered: 467 Skipped: 260
Q21: How often do you use the local shops and services in Potton Market Square, King street etc? Answered: 700 Skipped: 27
Q22: What forms of transport do you use to access these services in Potton? Tick ONE only in each column Answered: 704 Skipped: 23
Q23: If parking became meter controlled in and around the Market Square, would you still use your car to access the Market Square? Answered: 639 Skipped: 88
Q24: Where do you most often go to do your regular 'weekly' shopping Q24: Where do you most often go to do your regular 'weekly' shopping? Tick one box. Answered: 699 Skipped: 28
Q25: What mainly influences your choice of shopping destination Q25: What mainly influences your choice of shopping destination? Tick one box Answered: 698 Skipped: 29
Q26: Are you happy with the bus service in Potton? Answered: 696 Skipped: 31 Frequency of buses to Biggleswade Frequency of buses to Sandy Frequency of buses to St Neots Frequency of buses to Gamlingay Frequency of buses to Bedford Bus links to either Biggleswade or Sandy railway station
Q28: How often do you catch a bus to:- Answered: 693 Skipped: 34 Biggleswade Sandy St Neots Gamlingay Bedford Biggleswade or Sandy railway station
Q29: If services were improved, would you then catch the bus to:- Answered: 678 Skipped: 49 Biggleswade Sandy St Neots Gamlingay Bedford Biggleswade or Sandy railway station
Q30: Which elements do you feel would most improve access to facilities within the Neighbourhood Plan area? Please tick all that apply Answered: 655 Skipped: 72 Pedestrian-only walkways within the existing settlement envelope to make it safer and easier to get around Potton on foot Car-free Cycleways within the existing settlement envelope to make it safer and easier to get around Potton by bike Location of bicycle racks in key areas of the Town to encourage bicycle use Require all new housing developments of 20 houses or larger to provide traffic-free walkways and cycleways with access to the town facilities Public footpaths within the existing settlement envelope to be of a minimum width of 1.0m and kept in good repair Provide pedestrian and cycle crossings at key points on roads within the settlement envelope Better bridleways to make it safer and easier to get around the Neighbourhood Plan area by bike or horse
Stricter enforcement of current parking restrictions Q31: What measures would you support to address parking problems in Potton? Answered: 668 Skipped: 59 Stricter enforcement of current parking restrictions Expansion of current car parks Introduction of parking permits in identified problem areas More restricted parking on key roads An additional car park within the Town
Q32: What is the minimum number of off street car parking spaces that each new dwelling should have? Answered: 687 Skipped: 40
Q33: Do you agree that the following facilities are important to the community? Tick all applicable Answered: 701 Skipped: 26 Football Pitches Cricket Pitch Tennis Courts Bowls Club Other Sport Club Henry Smith/Mill Lane Playing Fields Henry Smith/Mill Lane Playgrounds Small local play areas Henry Smith Skatepark Henry Smith Outdoor Gym Equipment Allotments Library Local Shops Local Pubs Local Churches Community rentable spaces/halls
Q34: Do you think that the following facilities would be useful if available? Answered: 696 Skipped: 31
Development of a Potton ‘Green Wheel’ Potton to Sandy Cycle Way Q35: Developers need to contribute money to Central Beds Council (called Section 106 money) which should be used to pay for development of facilities in the town where the houses are being built. What should this money be used for? Answered: 690 Skipped: 37 Development of a Potton ‘Green Wheel’ Potton to Sandy Cycle Way Replacement of the Skate park in Henry Smith Playing Field Renovation or relocation of Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) in The Hollow Pre-School facilities Improvement of Football Pitches at Mill Lane Recreational Ground Potton ‘Hall for All’ project
Q36: Do you think that the services below need improving to meet the future needs of Potton? Answered: 686 Skipped: 41
Q37: Which aspects of the local natural environment are important to you? Answered: 699 Skipped: 28 The local countryside surrounding Potton should be protected for future generations Preserving the rural feel of Potton Protecting the countryside and or green spaces between existing settlements Wildlife conservation in and around Potton The green spaces in and around Potton Having easy access to the countryside surrounding Potton via footpaths and cycle ways Being kept up to date about the Environment around Potton The formal gardens, parks and open spaces within the town should encourage, protect and support wildlife Protecting wildlife and the environment must be considered in any future development in and around Potton Air and Water quality
Q38: If we were to encourage alternative energy, which would you want Q38: If we were to encourage alternative energy, which would you want? Please tick Answered: 669 Skipped: 58
Q39: Do any of the following issues concern you if Potton were to be subject to future housing development? Please tick all that apply Answered: 696 Skipped: 31 A weaker sense of community Expansion targeted only at people on high income Increase in crime and anti-social behaviour Increase traffic Insufficient sports and leisure facilities Lack of adequate parking Lack of school/childcare places Overloaded sewerage and drainage systems Oversubscribed medical care facilities Undermine local businesses (Potton becoming a ‘dormitory’ Town) Unsafe cycle and pedestrian routes Other
Q40: What is your gender? Answered: 687 Skipped: 40
Q41: Please advise age range? tick one box Answered: 685 Skipped: 42
Q44: Number of adults in your household? Answered: 693 Skipped: 34
Q45: Number of school age children in the household? Answered: 125 Skipped: 602
Q46: Number of infants under school age in the household? Answered: 38 Skipped: 689
Q47: Number of cars in the household? Answered: 661 Skipped: 66
Q48: Where do you work? please tick Answered: 682 Skipped: 45
Q49: If you do work, how do you commute to work? Please tick Answered: 421 Skipped: 306